[hider=Squad 12 Captain] [h3][color=violet]Miyoko Murakami[/color][/h3] [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/310e/th/pre/i/2014/202/1/3/you_ll_need_a_big_shoe_for_that_one_by_purples_cks-d7rnyg9.png[/img] Age: 25 Gender: Female Height: 5'10" Weight: 120 Hair Colour: Lavender Eye Colour: Pinkish red Birthday: March 17 Clan/Family: Murakami family for now Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami/Reasearcher Rank: Captain of Squad 12 & Head Researcher of SRDI Power Level: Captain Spiritual Energy Colour: [color=blueviolet]Blueviolet[/color] Personality: A terrifying monster Tamera tried to contain but never could. History: Nothing is known about Miyoko's history. All records of her past never existed, raising the question of whether she was born in the Soul Society. Those who question her history end up being her next experiment. She was picked up by Tamera Murakami at a young age. The old woman named her Miyoko Murakami and adopted her like most of her children. She despised the family, even the other children who were adopted. All she wanted was to be alone but Tamera never allowed that. She trained Miyoko, showed her the massive amount of records they contained within their estate. This was Miyoko's sanctuary and where she spent most of her early years. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Tamera Murakami - Her adoptive grandmother who took her in when she had nothing. She respects the woman but her family are useless to her. However, she is sometimes annoyed by her grandmother when Tamera tries to relate to her. Fuyu Murakami - Her adoptive niece who is nothing but a pain in the ass to her. Even though she is blood-rated to Tamera, Miyoko wishes for the day she can kill the child with her own two hands but Miyoko is a patient one. Hana Murakami - Her adoptive sister and Tamera's only blood daughter. She bears absolutely no emotion towards her. Murakami Family - They are nothing to her but a name. She doesn't care whether they live or die, they are already dead to her. Kazu Shinka - Among all her madness, all of the shits she has to deal with. Her family, her pest like relatives and other insects that bother her within the Soul Society, Kazu is the only one capable of making her sane. He is the one sole person in the Soul Society who she does not hate and is actually capable of spending an entire day with him. He compliments her madness and without him, Miyoko may of massacred all of her subordinates by now. Kazu is also one of the 2 people who know of her true office, the other being her pesty grandmother. However, Kazu is the only one with actual access to it as Tamera would have to force her way into it. Other: Miyoko has 6 bone like appendages coming from her back. They are frequently modified but their most common form resembles spider legs but are not limited to that form Miyokos office has been noted to be notoriously cold, most of her subordinates are unable to even come close to her office as they end up getting frostbite before they enter. Wields the only known Zanpakuto to be modified to have another type ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Hyakki Yagyō Type: Unknown/Poison Shikai Release command: Indulge Bankai Release command: Spirit Appearance: Miyoko's spirit appearance comes in many forms. At first, when in the black forest, they take the apperance of many ambiguous beings with unrefined shapes. However, they all retain the same feature which is a pair of eyes that have the shape of a maelstrom. Once she reaches the inner parts of her world, her true Spirit appearance is revealed...whats left of it [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/evangelion/images/9/99/Lilith_with_Lance.png/revision/latest?cb=20120210032404[/img] Inner world: [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/fcdb/th/pre/f/2014/251/f/a/strange_recursion_2_by_cloister-d7yf7b7.jpg[/img] Sealed appearance: [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/f4b6/i/2012/249/f/d/bleach_oc_zanpakuto_by_anglofsorrws02-d5dscu8.jpg[/img] Shikai appearance: Same as sealed Bankai appearance: Shikai skills: (NOTE: Seated Shinigami have up to 5 skills, Lieutenants and above can have all skills unlocked) 1. Immediately after speaking her zanpakuto's name, black translucent bubbles begin to form and rise from his zanpakuto. It doesn't take long before her zanpakuto is covered in the black layer, littered in mouths. The mouths are capable of replicating themselves and detaching from her shikai, floating around Miyoko to protect her. The mouths are an all-devouring maw, used to consume reiatsu based attacks and store them within their bodies. The reiatsu that they consume can be used to replenish or even increase Miyoko's own attacks. The more reiatsu the mouths inhale, the larger they grow in size but also decrease in speed. The mouths also have the ability to move around and actually feed on flesh of other shinigamis, but in exchange they aren't able to absorb reiatsu based attacks. Not only that Miyoko is able to cover himself in these carnivorous mouths to act as protection. { 30 generated upon activation, 5 per post } [i]Variation 1[/i] - Kazu Surprise: Using the non-lethal ability to store items, Miyoko places a special grenade with Kazu's face on it within one of her mouths. Afterwards, she blatantly sends the mouth towards her target in hopes they will be foolish enough to cut through it. Once they do, the grenade becomes visible before erupting in a giant explosion. 2. Locust Extinction - The heads sprout wings, moving at increased speeds as they spin around and strike down their opponents little by little, before they are unable to move { 15 consumption } 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bankai skills: (Captains and up can only have Bankai. Note: Some Lieutenants will be able to attain a Bankai) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: (Skills that do not cause harm to an opponent) Skills [u][b]Genius Intellect[/b] [/u] Miyoko was a natural born genius, capable of understanding complicated concepts like it was a simple puzzle to her. The extent of her intellect far surpassed Tamera when she was at a young age and because of this, Tamera always had a slight fear of Miyoko. [u][b]Zanjutsu Master[/b][/u] Miyoko was personally trained by Tamera the majority of her life and thanks to that, she picked up on Tamera's excellent fighting styles and techniques. Once she entered the Seireitei, her skills only grew more. [u][b]Kido Master[/b][/u] Miyoko had a natural talent for Kido and with the guidance of Tamera, her skill has reached into terrifying levels. Bakudo Bakudo 1-99 Hado Hado 1-96 [u][b]Hakuda Practitioner [/b][/u] Miyoko hardly learned Hakuda and instead focused on improving her mind. In the end, it paid off as she now has 6 appendages that she can use for close-quarters combat. [u][b]Hoho Master[/b][/u] Miyoko was tediously trained by Tamera in Hoho in case such a "a pretty girl like herself ever needed to run away". The saying always annoyed Miyoko but still trained in Hoho and saw the advantages it could give her later. [b][u]Inventions[/u][/b] Miyoko has made many ground-breaking discoveries and made countless inventions, many that she keeps to herself. However, some have been given to the Seireitei as a whole such as the top notch surveillance system that is capable of distinguishing individuals on reiatsu alone. [list] [*] Hyakki Yagyō - Previously a single-type zanpakuto, Miyoko has heavily modified her own Zanpakuto up to the point that it is now considered a dual-type zanpakuto: its original unknown and poison. She also achieved bankai through these same modifications [*] Nikubakudan (肉爆弾, Flesh Bomb): Just like Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Miyoko experiments with her own Squad members along with others, implementing various types of bombs to see how large of an explosion they can produce with a given amount of Reiatsu. [*] Hojiku-Zai (補肉剤, Flesh-mending Drug): Another serum from Mayuri, Miyoko uses this serum to regrow lost limbs or any type of injuries. She's also modified it so it is capable of regenerating her own appendages that sprout from her back, even though it is made from a different subustance. She's given small dosages of this serum to Squad 4 for various reasons, one to keep her mother off her back. [*] Jorōgumo (絡新婦, Binding Bride - Her infamous dark appendages that sprout from her back. Miyoko has invented these and implemented them into her back with the help of Kazu. These spider like legs have various contraptions inside and can easily change shape and function with a small amount of time for Miyoko to modify it [list] [*] Miyoko always has an assortment of poisons within these appendages, usually varying depending on which appendage she uses. She can release these poisons in the form of a gas, small hole opening on any leg and shaking it to let it seep out [*] The tips of Jorōgumo can open up, a black sleek blade extending outwards covered in poison that depends on the limb being used. [*] Item C [/list] [/list] Total points gained: (This lists the total amount of points you have gained from missions etc. only goes up, never down) Total Points Spent: (Here you list how many of your total earned points you've spent) Mission log: (List here any training, Sparring or missions you have done and how many points you earned) Points spent and skills gained: (Here you list what your points were spent on) [/hider] [center] [hider=Grandma] [h2]Tamera Murakami[/h2] [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/e8c4/th/pre/i/2015/102/8/2/kuchigane_yochi__captain_of_the_9th_by_nexusyuber-d8m7z0p.jpg[/img] [h3][color=black][i][b]"Don't fuck with me child"[/b][/i][/color][/h3] Age: 90s Gender: Female Height: 5'4" Weight: you dont ask your grandma's weight Hair Colour: White Eye Colour: Pale Gray Birthday: October 30 Clan/Family: Murakami Clan - A once worthless clan that was no different from a Rukongai family. They had nothing when they started, formerly ran by a foolish man who only desired money. Everything changed when Tamera was born. She became the head of the clan in no time, killing the same monster she once called father. Since her leadership and becoming a Captain, the Murakami family began to move up the ranks and became more respected. After she became the Head Captain, the clan became a noble family and now owns a giant estate. The Murakami is now known to produce various powerful female shinigamis, some who are even adopted into the family. Race: Soul Profession: Shinigami Rank: Head Captain Power Level: Head Captain Spiritual Energy Colour: Yellow Personality: Tamera is a stern and hard-working Head Captain, dedicating her life to the Soul Society and is willing to risk her life for it. She takes no shit from anyone, not even her family and will punish whoever threatens the Soul Society. Despite that, if she finds out you haven't eaten you expect the meal of a lifetime History: Tamera has walked a long and beaten path, rising from nothing just to give her children a better life. Tamera worked hard every single day of becoming a shinigami, rising through the ranks and eventually becoming a captain of Squad 5. She was an incredible Kido master and a beautiful woman who many men sought out (hard to believe huh). When the previous Head Captain died, the obvious choice was to choose Tamera as she was the oldest and wisest. During her lifetime, Tamera found a child in the Rukongai. The child had just killed someone, hiding their body with incredible thought and planning. She was only discovered due to Tamera's acute reiatsu sensing. Normally the child would be executed without trial, as this was an especially brutal murder. Tamera saw something within the child, an incredible monster. She saw herself. So instead, she took in the child and gave her a home, a name and hope. The child saw it otherwise and hated Tamera in the beginning, eventually worn down by the old devil. Well that's what the basics of the reports say. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: Miyoko Murakami - Adoptive daughter who she took a particular interest in. Miyoko reminds Tamera of herself when she was a child. Tamera admits that she is nowhere near as smart as Miyoko but her wisdom far exceeds her. Fuyu Murakami - Her only blood but rebellious granddaughter. Tamera is especially cold to Fuyu and gives her little to nothing from the clan's fortune. Hana Murakami - HOne of her few blood daughters who she dearly cares for. She gave Hana everything she ever wanted, and because of that she grew up a spoiled child. Hana never worked to become a shinigami and lives in a life of luxury. Murakami Family - Tamera cares greatly for her family and most members within the family. She takes great of each member and treats them all equally, whether they were born into the family or adopted. The only ones she treats differently are Miyoko, Fuyu, and Hana. Hana she treats like a child and gives her anythings he wishes, being her oldest and first child she gave birth to. She wanted to give Hana everything she didn't. Fuyu she treats poorly and gives her no special treatment compared to any other shinigami. Miyoko...she is a special case Other: - Wields the undisputed strongest Earth type zanpakuto in the Soul Society - Tamera's spiritual pressure has an especially heavy feel to it, attributed to her Earth based shikai ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Shinokuni Type: Earth Shikai Release command: These walls will be your grave Bankai Release command: Spirit Appearance [hider=Shinokuni][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/betterbleachfanfiction/images/3/3e/Shinokuniapp.png/revision/latest?cb=20150910183417[/img][/hider] Inner world: A barren wasteland with various skulls and leafless trees. Time has stopped as clouds, wind and everything else is still. All color is void, only black and white remaining with a lifeless, pale sun in the sky. Sealed appearance: [hider=Sealed][img]http://www.swordsantiqueweapons.com/images/s1698.jpg[/img][/hider] Shikai appearance: A thick cracked layer of Earth covers her blade, consisting of most materials that make up this Earth like dirt, rocks, metals, gems, etc. Bankai appearance: TBR Shikai skills: (NOTE: Seated Shinigami have up to 5 skills, Lieutenants and above can have all skills unlocked) 1. Tamera has complete and total control of the Earth around her. This includes the dirt below her feet, the trees that rise from the ground and the grass that feeds the animals. People often think that her zanpakuto is limited just to dirt, rocks, etc but the mistake always ends up being fatal. It includes all kinds of minerals that originated from the Earth. No variations or countdowns 2. 3. Grand Leveller - A soft humming noise comes from Tamera's fist, the air around her distorted due to vibrations coming from her body. Tamera focuses this, sending her fist into the ground and causing an earthquake of massive proportions. The seismic waves are so great that they even escape the ground and spread through the air, anyone near by feeling it pass through their body and shaking up all their organs. ( 1 post use, 4 post CD) Variations 4. Overlap of Heaven and Earth - Tamera raises her hand, massive chunks of earth torn from the ground and raising upwards into the sky. The preparation for the skill is complete once the sky is covered with pieces of earth. Tamera then drops her hand, all of the ground that collected falling downwards and leaving no escape, only a live burial. She hardly uses this technique when close to the SS but has variations that can deal with individuals. ( 1 Post prep, 1 post use, 4 post CD ) 5. 6. 7. 8. Gasshoukyoku no Rengoku {Chorus of Purgatory} Bankai skills: (Captains and up can only have Bankai. Note: Some Lieutenants will be able to attain a Bankai) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: - She can sink and rise from the ground below, swimming through them like a shark - Tamera has a constant awareness of the earth around her, able to always detect it whether its attached to the ground or not - She is also capable of sensing through her feet and the ground, any type of movement or obstruction on/in the ground being sent directly to her. Skills (Note: Remember that a GM can help you with the skills as it'll likely be faster and easier) [u][b]Zanjutsu Master[/b][/u] All known Zanjutsu techinques [u][b]Kido Grandmaster[/b][/u] Among all of the skills she trained in, Tamera always excelled at Kido. Her years of practice eventually paid off, earning the title of the Grandmaster of Kido. [u]Speechless Incantation[/u] Tamera has reached such a skill with Kido that she no longer has to say the name of the spell. Instead, she can merely think it and fire off a Kido spell as she wishes. Yet, they still retain incredible power even without any type of incantation (Up to spell 55 and below) All known Hado, Bakudo, Sealing and Barrier Spells along with her own arsenal of spells Bakudo Hado [u][b]Hakuda Master[/b][/u] All known Hakuda skills [u][b]Hoho Master[/b][/u] All known Hoho skills Total points gained: (This lists the total amount of points you have gained from missions etc. only goes up, never down) Total Points Spent: (Here you list how many of your total earned points you've spent) Mission log: (List here any training, Sparring or missions you have done and how many points you earned) Points spent and skills gained: (Here you list what your points were spent on) [/hider] [/center]