[quote=Blue Demon] *drifts back in for the nth time*It's tempting~But I have one point of order. I tried doing something like this once. How far are you thinking of going with a class system? Are we just stating we have X number of classes, each one is different and leave the rest largely up to "make it us as we go". Or are we going class B does this, this, and this and has these skills and level like this? Because in my experience the latter didn't work out so well. And I vote group. :) [/quote] Well I see a lot of VRMMOs in a forum Roleplay kinda get dull cause people don't have the ability to create what they want. For this, I was thinking we drop the levels so there's no "hes stronger than me" situation and only get classes which would focus more on just what your role is (IE support/healing, magic/dps, physical/dps and tanking i guess) and then you as the players would create your own skills since the system would boast a "infinite skill tree" system they newly invented to make players like crap their pants in excitement at the thought of an infinite number of skills. People might think that can get OP but you have to think we can face enemies that can use just as many skills, so at the drop of a hat we could face someone who just shatters our tactics and forces us to go about fighting a different way. But then I also want an infinite number of subclasses that are less about combat stuff like crafting, blacksmithing, cooking, housekeeping, survival. So you would pick a role like tanking and then have 2-3 subclasses or jobs that you could use to raise money/get yourself equipment and expand the basic things you can do. So basically the only thing you'd have to pick is your role and the rest; skills, jobs, specialties, your characters entire basic in game appearance and life style would be yours to make. How would that sound?