Sitting next to Nikko Able scanned the tavern patrons one by one. Nikko and Able needed a crew put together to travel through the Grandline. Yet as he scanned the faces of these patrons he does not see many who would be good crew material. He saw a few who looked like they got some experience on their backs but you can tell they are broken. To be broken just by Grandline must mean they could not handle the challenges this unknown world has. Growing up in the Wano Kingdom Able knew of the challenges in the New World, and it was not until he visited the Grandline is when he finally learned why many call it Paradise. Able has only been in the Grandline a few times so he was curious what could of broken these men. Suddenly he see's two men enter, one carrying the other on his back. Both seem to be looking at Nikko and Able, more specifically Able. That is not too surprising seeing he is a Fishman, a large Fishman at that.His appearance has caused great fear in the one of the four blues he and Nikko ended up in a while back. Here though he is surprised it has not caused anyone to fight him, he guess its because they are too scared to approach him. He finally decides to hide his ignorance. "[color=0054a6]Nikko I do believe I found our first member[/color]" Able says grabbing one of his beer mug and downs it, then he slams the empty mug down onto the table, not to hard but enough for a shock for the thief under his table "[color=0054a6]Come out from under there girl. I saw you earlier at the store with the Log Posts[/color]" He said it loud enough for Polly to hear but not loud enough for others to hear other then Nikko. Of course the mug slamming would grab some attention.