[hider=My character: WIP] Name: Age: 19 Appearance: Neurocomp: A fairly basic model that he bought a year ago for use in school, it is limited to 2.5 terrahertz of processing speed and 12 TB of storage space. It includes programs for teaching and translating languages (Google Linguist) and several dozen language files, some of which he is using to learn other languages. It also includes a textbook download and access program called Fastlearner which lets him learn faster in his classes by accessing relevant passages in these books. He also has several video games and emulators for older games, and a program which lets him access schematics and create and break down 3d object models.(description, special features, speed/storage, other programs) Brainhacks: Controlled Adrenal Burst (maximum effect is 20x brain processing speed (bullet time), 10x strength, and 5x speed. Downsides include the fact that it rapidly tires him out and the fact that high-level usage of its strength or speed enhancements can lead to tearing of muscles or tendons.), "Vulcan Mode" (A hack developed by a fan of Star Trek, it drastically weakens his emotions and ties the information processing capabilities of the NC into his brain, making him more logical.) Personality: Bio: A college student. [/hider]