Aranhil had spent the week doing nothing but searching. He'd barely gotten more than three hours of sleep each night. Some magic was hiding his wife, he was sure. It was pissing him off, too. He has four different sets of men with their own cycles out searching, along with every bounty hunter and mercenary he could trust to keep their mouths shut. It was one of these mercenaries that found the correct door to knock on. As soon as it had been opened, his eyes fell on Sylvia. There was his payment. "I've come to take you home, little queen." ~~~~ Emera smiled at River. Her bags were all packed. She'd waisted no time that week. "I hope you are ready, dear. The king has refused to send with us a detachment of soldiers, so we will be traveling alone, I'm afraid." She hadn't been expecting her request to be filled. "It won't matter, though. It will only take us a week to reach the vampires this way."