This had to be a joke. A bad joke, one so offensively stupid that the speaker was effectively blacklisted for a week for killing one’s brain cells. This human, this [I]Jason[/I], spoke like undisciplined, arrogant trash and he carried around a mane of untrimmed head pubes that probably had gotten him mistaken as a woman by more than one drunk. Ardan didn’t care for humans, certainly enough that he resigned his lucrative military career because the Council was a bunch of spineless lapdogs who were too busy tongue-punching humanity’s asshole to realize that if you keep spoiling the child, they will act out, and this Jason was as sure of a sign as anything that was wrong with their horrible species. Ardan turned, looking between Jek and Nik. [color=00a651]“So, was there some kind of bet that Nik lost? This idiot is a ‘present’ in the same sense as lighting a bag of varren shit on fire and leaving it on a disliked neighbour’s doorstep is a present.”[/color] The turian said, facing the new human, his face rigid. [color=00a651]“So, you’re too good to be a vigilante, yet here you are, being offered up because you had nowhere else to go. If we wanted to impress humans like you, we’d strand around showboating instead of getting the job done like we have been doing. We’ve been fighting a war, and you’ve been doing what, exactly? Getting your hair done at some over-priced beauty salon? Here’s some friendly advice, cut that shit, lest one of Jek’s boys who haven’t had any action in weeks mistake you for a girl and find it convenient to grab a hold of. That or you get it caught on some machinery and find yourself getting scalped.”[/color] Ardan said, bouncing his helmet around until it was straight enough to slip on with an easy gesture. He stepped close to Jason, meeting the man eye-to-eye. [color=00a651]“I don’t know what the hell we did to have Jek think you are a favour, but if you treat either Daro or Raya as anything other than a teammate, you won’t have eyes to ogle them with. Got it?” [/color]he stepped away from the human, snorting disdainfully as he headed back to the others, slipping his helmet on. [color=00a651]“I have some last minute prep before we set out. You guys can decide what to do with the talking ham. He doesn’t seem too bright, I vote cannon fodder. That should sober him up.”[/color] With that said, Ardan moved to one of the make-shift benches made out of lined-up storage crates that seemed to be the typical go-to solution of any war zone and set out his weapons for eventual inspection. But first, he had to run through his omni-tool programs and the connections to his HUD, which seemed to have a loose connection since the fighting took a turn for the worst a couple days ago. He listened in on the conversation, and the inevitable retorts, as he cycled through his various omni-tool programs and studied their functionality on the head’s up display. Turning on his IFF tagging system, he looked over his shoulder at the group, several friendly indicators filling his visor, including Jek – but the human was omitted. Ardan smiled to himself, relishing the irony that his HUD didn’t identify this new merc as a friend while he himself considered Jason to be a waste of recycled air. Still, he scanned Jason’s armour and after finding the signal, his outline popped up as green – friendly. He hoped that Nik would tell the new guy to fuck right off back to Earth, but Ardan knew that Nik couldn’t afford to be picky after the unit had eaten a lot of losses weeks ago, a bit before Ardan himself joined up. He knew his say didn’t amount for much, given he was still new to the outfit, but Ardan had fought alongside these guys long enough to consider them his unit. The last thing anybody needed was a hotshot who didn’t know how to behave in a team, and his immediate arrogance made the turian want to beat him with rubble until he eventually wizened up. Given the dull, ox-like mentality of the human, the point would probably be entirely lost on him. Oh well.