[center]NAME Rainbow Moonstone (goes by Moon or Moonstone) AGE 17 GENDER Appears female APPEARANCE/LOOKS [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IcAlfRUGGIM/UwPCJPiMf4I/AAAAAAAAA78/cmJ2BvmeLBo/w426-h266/14%2B-%2B1[/img] SPECIES Gem SEXUAL PREFERANCE Female mostly, but can be with males. LIKES Knowing the details of the situation, reading, dancing ballet, playing guitar DISLIKES When things are messy, if someone uses the wrong grammar, being left out, being alone. BIO After a ship was accidently launched from her Homeworld with unmade gems onboard, it crashes into Earth and crumbles into the soil along with burying only one unmade gem. The rest were destroyed from the crash. Years later, she comes out of the soil. She realizes she has a rainbow moonstone in the top of her left hand, and is able to use the shadows to travel. From her gem she can draw out a bo made of rainbow moonstone with a 'vine' of rainbow moonstone wrapped around it. She quickly found out what she was not human, and concealed herself in society. She wishes to be open and honest to someone, but she’s found no one who she can trust. OCCUPATION Librarian COUNTRY OF ORIGIN Not really from a country. But it’d have to be America. FEELINGS ABOUT MEETING SOUL MATE Likes the thought of not being alone anymore and not having to hide her secret anymore, but is kind of sceptical about it. [/center]