[b][u]Robert Fallson - Deli N'Doul[/u][/b] Robert ignored the pain from Vixi's overly eager handshake. Taking a step back after being pulled slightly forward by her, he responded, [b]"It's fine. Well, let me introduce you to the rest of the team."[/b] Robert pointed toward Delta and said, [b]"The guy in gray of there with the small familiar is Delta. The familiar is actually his semblance, who is named Eve. They're pretty nice."[/b] Next he pointed to Grane. [b]"And the snake faunas is Grane. He seems nice, too."[/b] He turned back toward their fourth, final member. [b]"I've only known them for a couple hours so I'm sorry for not having more of a description. Anyway, everyone else here are just some of the various friends we've made in our... I think this is our second week of classes. Time seems to pass very slowly here at Beacon."[/b] Searching his mind for something further to talk about, he decided to ask, [b]"Anyone here you want me to help introduce you to? I know most of everyone here since, unlike everyone else on the team, I've been here since the beginning of the year."[/b]