[quote=@Fallenreaper] Alright, here's the NPC owner, and competitor among the businesses in Lost Haven, of GeneCorp. Pardon me, I got lazy and made a smallish sheet. Now...watch her turn into a massive PC later on. XD [hider] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gJmld6g.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center]~|Publically Seen Bio|~[/center] First Name: Jacqueline Last Name: Freeman Sex: Female Age: 31 Speech Color: [color=olive]olive[/color] Character Alignment: Hero/Role model (Villain/Walking the Line) Identity: Known as GeneCorp’s CEO and recent Owner Summary: A serious, blunt and straight forward woman, Jacqueline doesn’t pull punches when it comes to dealing with the media or anyone in general. Her tongue and wits are razor sharp, able to cut just as easily as any sword, thanks to the undeniable truths gained from her insight in her past. She is often earnest in her claims, at least as earnest as a mega corporation owner can be, over helping the people of Lost haven and making the city the glory it should be. Negative comments are mostly shot down with surprising ease thanks to her realistic view of the world. To the public she shows a CEO can be a humanitarian with her mind on helping her community in the end. Though she worked her way up from the bottom, Jacqueline Freeman dresses like a model American businesswoman and makes herself the idol most would expect from a someone in her position. A smart, classy, and attractive caucasian female with dirty blond locks, free flowing and cascading down in sexy curls over her shoulders. Her expression is usually prime and pleasant even when the news reporters are flinging dirt into her face. She usually is ready with a comment to ease tensions or silence the dirt tossing, her employees often standing at the ready to quell any signs of extreme aggression. She stands at around 5’11”, adding an inch or two thanks to high heels, bring her bright grey eyes easily face to face to most fellow businessmen. Especially to look those who would see her as their inferior in the eye. Most the time she wears tailored, crisp suits made to show off her feminine traits. Her favorite has a white blouse overlapped with a dress jacket buttoned under her knee. On her bottom half is a pencil tight skirts at medium length, revealing nicely shaped and smooth legs underneath. Finally high heels to add to her height. The long office hours often leaving her ankles tortured and aching, but the price for showing the big boys their place is well worth it. The complete outfit is just enough to show off her sex appeal, without being range of whorish, and often making her competition realize she's not a fortunate tramp running a mum and pop business just ready to be consumed. History: Jacqueline Hughes was born in Evansville, Nebraska, to an abusive alcoholic father and a wallflower mother. At sixteen, Jacqueline became emancipated and ended up living with her boyfriend, as well as his college friends, in Lost Haven. She managed to make it last a few months until an incident ended up ruining her once decent life. Her father had paid an unexpected visit to retrieve his daughter, resulting in his untimely death, a possible murder charge and several months in the jail while the evidence was collected. After it was ruled a self defense charge, Jacqueline was released from custody. The only problem was she had nowhere to go as being the one that dealt with the apartment bills, her boyfriend and his friends had become evicted which ended up sending all of them into the street. It took four years of travel, hard work and struggling to make ends meet while she struggled to go from homeless gutter trash to lower class citizen. It wasn’t easy and at times, she wished she could just give up and die in the alley. At the age of 20, she finally met an humanitarian George Freeman in what seemed like a chance encounter. He was rather fond of her, despite him being in his late thirties, and impressed by her natural business sense. It was this trait that caused him to bring her into the fold on a new business called GeneCorp. His dreams were to use it’s future funds to one day give back to the community he cared for and renew his hometown. Sadly, two years after their wedding, Mr. Freeman ended up dying in his sleep due to an unexpected blood vein exploding in his brain. Jacqueline mourned for months after while struggling to keep his dream alive from money hungry corporate investors. In the last five years she's only just managed to bring GeneCorp into the mega corporation it is today though many would call her a miracle worker for the wonders she's done. GeneCorp is a leading corporation settled firmly in the area of genetics, pharmaceutical, medical research and healthcare products line. To the public eye their base is in the health and well being of their customers across the globe, several branches all over America. However, behind the scenes their true income lies in classified government projects and biological weapons development for the military. A recent success is the drug known as formula PX36 or the SES, Soldier Enhancement Serum. Hero Type: Normal (Non-powered characters) Power Level: Currently the influence potential of World Level Attributes: Strength Level: Normal Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: Normal Human Agility: Normal Human Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Trained, though not extensively Resources: Large (Entire Gene Co. assets) Weaknesses: Human [/hider] [/quote] I smell a genetically-modified boss battle coming up