[center][h1][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2800337]John[/url][/h1][/center] Humanoid creatures looking just like Tolkien's elves approached them, none too friendly. Darius was quite nervous seeing them, were they the cause of his death? Either way, this was quite something. Elves. Pointy ears, tall, lean and armed with bows. This raised some questions whether these elves are based on human fiction, or is human fiction based on this world somehow. Nevertheless, John was hatching a plan in a case this all goes awry, and Darius probably did as well. If worst comes to worst, John gets to test his latest idea. If it works like he thinks it works, he will be able to make short work of these three assailants as well. [b]"Captain! One of them... he... it bears the Blightmother's taint!"[/b] That phrase sent all of the elves on edge. Blightmother? Interesting name for the deity that stole them away from Earth. It was obvious the little bitch goddess had her secrets, but why she would be called Blightmother of all things. John waited a bit for Darius to start talking - after all, John isn't a very good socialite, talking he does for a living. But that wasn't happening, and they don't get anything out of killing those elves - the two can't remain outcasts forever. John raised his hand in the air, trying to adopt a non-threatening stance. [b]"Listen, we were taken away from our home world and just awoken here with powers we never had before. And now we have strangers pointing arrows at us. This... Blightmother... took us against our will and brought us here. We know nothing of this land. You want answers, we want answers - that exchange would be easier without the imminent threat of violence."[/b] Just in case, John was ready, hopefully Darius was too. The encounter with the Bear humbled John, as he seriously considered the possibility that these three elves were pretty much Legolas, or worse. Either way, if a fight breaks out, there's nothing they will be able to do about it.