[color=silver][h2]Sterling Johnson[/h2][/color] [quote]>You are also going to have to explain your lateness to Vanhomrigh/Iderson…if you arrive. >Good luck with that! (^∇^)[/quote] He rolled his eyes and scoffed, picking up his scroll mid-polishing session of Nuada. Of course it was Sarina who'd have the cheek to try and pull a fast one on him like that. Crazy girl... >Hey, like I said, a day out. And it was family health stuff, I got excused already. >You sure you don't need me to remind you how to do it instead? He fired back thusly. On both accounts, little more than good-natured ribbing, without real weight behind it. Such was the way of the Jurassic. >Speaking of, did you guys add the new girl to this? >Clair something, right? [h2]Luke Schwarz -- Networking[/h2] Grimm Studies, huh? A fairly useful class to have. He'd taken Armory himself, hoping to perhaps learn how to better utilize and upgrade his drillfists, but knowing thy enemy... [i]To be fair, there's also "know thyself". I believe that's how the phrase goes. Maybe not. Been a while.[/i] Either way, the knowledge would undoubtedly prove valuable in future missions, whether espoused by Jack or by himself. And with Beacon's somewhat laissez-faire attitude on switching classes, he could always switch out. Best to taste both before deciding, though, so in the meantime... >Armory here.