Right I put it in a quote like that. Here you go: [hider=Silas Whitepaw] [img] http://www.digital-art-gallery.com/oid/84/1131x1600_14633_2_2d_illustration_fantasy_creature_rabbit_warrior_picture_image_digital_art.jpg [/img] [b]Name[/b]: Silas Whitepaw [b]Alias[/b]: White Shadow, Brother White, Blue-Eyed Bastard [b]Age[/b]: 42 [b]Race[/b]: Fae-Gæian [b]Personality[/b]: Silas has never been too hard to figure out; he is generally loud, obnoxious, and almost always found somewhere causing some sort of trouble. Beneath all of the flaws however, he is kind and loyal individual who takes great pride in being the one that ensures that none of his friends comes to any harm. In his line of work he has earned a reputation for being neigh uncatchable so he tends to keep himself as much of an enigma as possible lest his enemies find out the truth about him. [b]History[/b]: Within the forests surrounding the Plains of Irith resides the Whitepaw family, servant family of the leaders of the realm the Cottontails. Born as the eldest of the clan Silas Whitepaw quickly gained a reputation as the troublesome child quickly showing an aptitude for causing chaos and disrupting the norm of society. Although he was troublesome child he quickly began showing signs of becoming a powerful soldier both on and off the battlefield, so in lieu of actual punishment Silas' father sent him to train under the commander of the Cottontail's elite soldier regiment, Brother Alexander 'Four Blade' Cottontail. As his training progressed he showed great prowess in dual swordsmanship although his studies in the warriors art of Saudo was lacking so instead of giving him a position that he could truly excel in and gave him the position that no other Whitepaw could have ever dream of. Silas became leader of the Brotherhood of Shadows, the spymaster of the entire realm and together with his brother Irving the pair saved numerous lives with the work that others were too proud to do. For decades the pair served faithfully and stopped several wars with the dirty work and for a time there was a point where Silas was actually happy with life although he had a feeling that something was going to end it all. Unfortunately Silas was right. As the years marched on Silas' spies began hearing rumors about a conspiracy involving someone within the Cottontail family and the next in the lineage. Months passed as Silas and Irving did everything possible to warn the head of the Cottontails and even his father turned him away believing that his claims were superficial and held no merit. Seeing that no one would believe them Silas took his Brotherhood of Shadows and marched upon the perpetrators who looked to end the young Cottontail life and did what he was taught to do, Silas himself killed the brother of the king. Once the deed was done Silas was confronted by Brother Four Blade and the retinue of the finest soldiers the Cottontails had to offer and after a short battle the Brotherhood made an escape after suffering major losses. Now left homeless and cast out of their own family Silas led Irving across the Plains to an uncertain future. For a time the pair lent themselves out as sellswords, putting their talents to use as assassins for hire in the hopes that they might find a new home somewhere beyond their old forests. Eventually finding the Knights of Star the two finally found a place could call home. Silas once again took on the role as spymaster and Irving began making creations for the other Knights. Only time will tell if they keep this life. [b]Reason for Recruitment[/b]: Silas had no other choice, after being cast out of his home he travled to Angel's Landing hoping to find another home. [b]Strength of Will[/b]: Greater [b]Magic[/b]: [i]Wild Magic[/i] [list] [*][b]Into the Fade:[/b]One of the few innate traits that Silas possesses, he is able to temporaraly pass into the etheral world known as the Fade. While within this place he becomes invisible and able to fool most forms of detection, although prolonged time spent within this plane gives its natrual denezins the oppertunity to find Silas. [*][b]Phantasmal Images:[/b]Perhaps one Silas' more well known abilities, channels the the ambiant magic around him to create phantoms images of himself. While the images are incorporeal and can do no real harm anyone or anything, they are perfect for Silas to misdirect and cause confusion among the enemy ranks. [/list] [b]God Relations[/b]: [u]Qtelneick and Xandruis[/u]- Known to Silas as Serian and Corinth respectivly, Silas does his best to stay in both of their favor as it leads to a more successful time in his line of work. [b]Tech[/b]-All of Silas' tech was built by his younger brother Irving. [list] [*][i]The Serpent's Fangs[/i]- A pair short swords/daggers that have been mechanically altered to fit Silas' needs. The blades have been fitted with Irving's own reinvention of high-frequency blades, as the blades vibrate on a molecular level a built in storage tank doles out a consistent dosage of a homemade toxins. [*][i]Wrist Mounted Silenced Crossbow[/i]- Another of Irving's inventions this miniaturized crossbow has been altered and modified to the point where it is almost impossible to see the original thing. As well as firing a number of specialized bolts and standard bolts, it also has an experimental positronic hard-light generator that allows Silas to energy bolts of varying degrees. [*][i]Mana Grenades[/i]- Silas has found an interesting combination between these and some explosive tips from his crossbow. They make for a rather nice explosion. [*][i]Modified Brotherhood Armor[/i]- Modified by Irving to give maximum protection from all manner of damage. [/list] [b]Possessions[/b]: [i]Saudo's Honor[/i]- A katana-styled sword made by Irving upon completion of his training. Silas treasures this above all else. [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*]Master Swordsman [*]Spymaster [*]Capable Machinist [*]Owner of a wide information network. [/list] [/hider]