[center][b][@ravenDivinity] (Darius); [@Laue] (John)[/b][/center] "'Your home world'?" The elven leader stares at John with an incredulous look on his face. "What in the Goddess's name are you-" "So you're saying you're from beyond the Great Barrier?!" The long-haired elf, the one who had warned his leader of the "Blightmother's taint" earlier, scoffs. "Did you think we're gullible children?! There [i]is[/i] no world past the Barrier! Not even the gods themselves-" "Wait a minute..." the third elf says. He looks at John, and his eyes narrow. "You say the Blightmother gave you power; that much is plausible, given her twisted experiments. But what about your friend? Unlike you, he shows no signs of corrupted Life magic, as far as I can see." "Yes..." The leader murmurs. His expression becomes hesitant, as though he's unsure whether to attack or not. "I feel pure elemental magic from you... boy," he says, looking at Darius. "And we all know that if the Blightmother had gotten her hands on you, your magic wouldn't have been pure. She'd have turned you into one of her demons..." "Captain, they're just trying to fool us!" The aggressive, long-haired elf hisses. "The only good demon is a dead one, and we should just shoot-" "But the boy isn't a demon," the third elf says. "Shouldn't we-" "Yes," the leader says, and nods, seemingly having made up his mind for now. "And they haven't attacked us, unlike every other demon we've seen in the past weeks." He slowly lowers his weapons, but his muscles are still tense, his body language suggesting that he's ready to draw his weapons again at a moment's notice. "So we won't attack you, creatures, if you do as we say," he says, looking at John and Darius. "You can start by telling us what you are, and where you're from. Your clothes aren't like anything we've seen before, that's for sure."