Able sighed as Nikko threw the table. They have not been there long and already she is causing trouble. After she dealt with the first idiot who ran at her Able stands up and says "[color=0054a6]You seem to control over the situation. I am going to step outside for some clean air, do not cause too much damage if you can[/color]" He begins to walk away and comes across one of the waitresses, he hands her a bag of Beli "[color=0054a6]This should cover the drinks and the table, I advice to stay away from her[/color]" He is referring to Nikko. He walk past Nabil and Marxo ignoring Marxo about female hormones. It was a tab bit childish in his eyes, He walks outside and see a stand for a free beer,interesting. He approaches the stand and a stranger who is talking to the lady about her advertisement. Able made sure to fix his Kimono so it covers up the bandages wrapped around his chest. Once he gets to the stand he says "[color=0054a6] Good day I would like to try one of your specialty brews today.[/color]"