[center][h1][color=8493ca][b]Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://odforce.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Solomon-Kane-Teaser.png[/img][/center] Lord Aldurin eyed the Crown Prince as he replied. His piercing brown eyes taking in everything about the man before him, every word, every flick of the eyes or twitch of muscle. The Prince seemed to be speaking honestly, at lease, as far as Aldurin could tell. Still there was something off that he couldn't put his finger on. Even so, without evidence he could not act, though he did believe one thing, this prince was no fool, and would likely not harm the Queen no matter his infliction. Yes, he knew better than to do anything against her lest he sign his own execution. [color=8493ca]"Well spoken, Prince Rowan, but words by themselves mean nothing if the one speaking them does not abide them. Do not mistake me as a man of threats and violence, I simply have no tongue for courtly speech and political games. The name's Lord Aldurin Ranold of Sevaviel, and I am my kingdom's Lord General,"[/color] he said in a gruff, blunt manner, though the last bit he did at a little bit of flourish to a small bow to the Prince, though he wore a wolf's grin. [color=8493ca]"And this is, Whisper,"[/color] he added, gesturing to the large grey wolf at his side. She looked up at her name and swept her tail against the stone floor lazily. It was also at that particular moment that Lachlan approached them and spoke to Prince Rowan about the Queen wishing his company. [color=8493ca]"Then I shall take my leave, and Lachlan, do remember our sparring will you?"[/color] Aldurin said, his brown eyes unnoticeably motioning towards the Prince at his side. With that he was off, his black cape billowing out slightly behind him, and Whisper his ever present silent shadow. Aldurin headed back towards the entrance way to see what the others of their party were about. He wished to keep a keen eye out for all of them, lest one of his pups be sprung upon by vile bear. He would have to die before he let one of his own befall tragedy on this voyage.