Rowan listened carefully to the words of the Lord, his eyes showing great interest. Aldurin was a man who Rowan could see was not to be crossed. Rowan was a good fighter, but the scars on Aldurin’s face and the look in his eyes suggested he was a man who’s experience in combat would greatly outmatch the Prince’s. [b][color=ed1c24]“ Courtly speech and political games have never been my strong suit either. I believe actions speak far louder than words.”[/color][/b] He replied, turning to look down at the beast by Aldurin’s side as he introduced his companion. [b][color=ed1c24]“ The wolf is surely a great beast. The perfect combination of elegance and brutality. A perfect metaphor for Lords and Kings. I do wish I had a Lord I could depend on; like you, Aldurin. Sadly I am stuck with that disrespectful sycophant Robert.” He said, as he eyed Lachlan coming down the hall towards them. “ Though I suppose, once I am married to Emilia, I will be King of Sevaviel, and you will be a great Ally to have by my side.”[/color][/b] He finished, as Lachlan arrived. [color=silver][b]"My apologies for interrupting... Her Majesty, Queen Emilia wishes to speak with you, Prince Rowan... She's asked for me to escort you to her rooms."[/b][/color] [b][color=ed1c24]“ No need to apologise, Lachlan. You were given a duty to come collect me and you waste no time in doing so.”[/color][/b] He turned to Aldurin. [b][color=ed1c24]“ I look forward to speaking to you more. You look like a man with some interesting stories to tell.”[/color][/b] He finished, before turning back to Lachlan. [b][color=ed1c24]“ Let us waste no further time. I would not like to keep Emilia waiting any longer than I already have.”[/color][/b] And with that he made strides forward, heading with Lachlan towards the Queen’s quarters. [b][color=ed1c24]“ So you are part of the Royal Guard of Sevaviel? You have down well for yourself, as a bastard. No disrespect, of course. I imagine you have worked hard to prove yourself as worthy of your position.”[/color][/b] Rowan spoke. He couldn’t really look down upon Lachlan as a bastard. The chances were good that Rowan had a few bastards of his own, though this was not information he was about to share out loud.