"Good Evening warden Wong." Jimmy nodded towards the warden. "I'm James, but you can call me JImmy on the account of the fact we'll be diving headfirst into what's probably a suicide mission so if there's ever a time for being informal I'm sure this is it. As for others, that's the one good bit of news you and I are likely going to get tonight. There's actually quiet a few of us going in." He turned and looked out the window. "Whatever's going on over in that building, its got the wardens worried, especially with all the teams that went in and hadn't come back." There was a floor clicking as someone new came in. Jimmy turned eyes turned to see who it was. He wasn't sure who the man was, but that didn't really matter, did it?. The man didn't seem like talking either. He just gave them a nod and started setting up a defense for the room. "Good idea." He said, nodding to the new comer. "Too bad I didn't think of that. Not that it would've done any good since I'm not really good with wards, especially doing it on the field." Jimmy turned and looked towards the door. "Someone's coming." He muttered. "And they don't sound happy about it." A few seconds later woman came in, the kind of woman you didn't really see too often outside of fighting games and bodybuilding expo. "Evening O'Bagley, welcome to shit show, which'll start just as soon as the rest of the members of our party show up." There was a knock at the door, and then it opened up, revealing empty space. "Hmm." Jimmy scratched his chin and reached for his staff but someone appeared. It was a warden who promptly reported for duty. "Welcome Mltese, It's good to have you. I'm sure glad we'll have someone good with veils with us." There was a sound as someone new came in right after Warden Miltese who seemed a bit nervous about being late. "Wouldn't dream of it." Jimmy said, grinning. "When your going into hell, its not a bad idea to take all the friends you can get get your hands on." "So" Jimmy said rubbing his hands together. "I'm sure you've all heard stories about this place and how there's a ton of red vampires going in and out, and everything else stays away, right?" He put his hands behind his back and looked through the window at their target. "Over a dozen wardens have gone in and none have come out. They've tried everything from scaling the building to parachuting to the building, and even sneaking in from the back. None of it worked, apparently. So, here's my idea." He took a moment to look at the wardens. "We just walk in." He grinned, trying to look confident, butt there's was a single drop of sweat that threatened to give him away. "We'll just stroll in and start shooting reds."