[hider=Ahoy!] Name: Dean Hallister Bluebeard II Age: 17 Parents: Bluebeard was an evil man with an evil heart who killed gullible women and was a sick and psychotic man, yet somehow he had sired a child from one of his many dead wife's he raised Dean for a while till the boy disappeared one day when he turned 13 and never returned his father died many four years later and Dean now has inherited his fathers wealth. He for the four years that he had lived on his own stole from people and became a pick pocket, which he became increasingly skilled at. Dean caught news of his fathers death from a dear friend of his and he immediately traveled back to his home to see what would become of his life. He learned many thing when he lived on the streets he also honed his sword fighting abilities that his father had originally taught him. He is now being raised by a close relative who was his mothers sister, Dean learned sword fighting skills from lessons that he took from a professional fencer and sword fighter. Nobody knows anything about his mother except his mothers sister who is keeping her sisters information secret from Dean. Appearance: Dean is about 5'10" and 150 pounds, with slim lithe features and strongly built muscles and facial features, Dean has a goatee and hair that reaches past his chin. Dean looks devilishly handsome and suave not to mention better looking then his father who never really took care of his personal hygiene. Dean wears normal clothing such as usually a tank top and jeans. Bio: Much the same as his fathers backstory had explained hennaed ran away for four years and learned to support himself yet he returned to his normal life style and now his mothers sister has sent him to a high school which he doesn't really want to do but is being forced to do anyways. [/hider]