[center][h1][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2800337]John[/url][/h1][/center] These elves considering the some sort evil, tainted creatures. Demons? The little bitch deity was considered evil around these parts. And of course, both John and Darius were pawns in some grand scheme of hers. But pawns either get sacrificed or promoted to a more powerful piece, and John counted on the latter happening. One of the elves mentioned "corrupted Life magic", which implied some sort of system, categorization. Also Darius' power was considered "pure elemental". So human-like, to establish a connection, trying to put life into neat little drawers that make sense. Even these bow armed primitives displayed rudimentary analytical skills. That relaxed John, as willfully ignorant people is something he can't stand, like anti-vaxxers back on Earth. So stupid, in face of overwhelming evidence. Thankfully, at least these three show a possibility of someone intelligent around here, well intelligent for the level of their current development. Eventually, the elves lowered their bows, yet still tense, waiting for answers. [b]My name is John, and the man here is named Darius. We are both from a planet... err... world called Earth mainly inhabited by creatures like us - humans.[/b] He started slowly lowering his hands. [b]"One day I go to sleep just like every day, and get a very vivid dream in which a strange, shape-shifting female gives us instructions. From what I understand, she wants us to defeat and absorb six powerful beings of this land to be allowed to go home. And then we woke up in a building back there."[/b] He points towards the approximate location of the temple. [b]"Back on Earth we have no magic and we certainly have no Gods or Goddesses, not real ones anyway. So I hope you understand that we know absolutely nothing about this land, the inhabitants and it's customs.[/b] John raises his hands a bit, observing them. With these two hands, he will forge his legend in his world, in time. [b]"Do not be alarmed, I will slowly show you what powers I created for myself. Make no mistake, back in my world my knowledge of the human body was nearly unmatched. I simply conjured up what I thought would give me the best fighting chance against the strange bear that attacked us."[/b] He spoke, as he very slowly activated both his claws and his armor, once again raising his arms in the air to appear as non-threatening as possible. After all, any kind of surprise or secret should be taken care of right here and now. [b]"There it is, my claws and armor. Could you explain what this corruption is even supposed to be?"[/b] John said as he reverted back.