Humphrey opened the shutters on his storefront, breathing in the fresh morning air and feeling the warmth of the rising sun on his face. He smiled. He loved working in his trinket shop in the East Market. It was his home. The sandstone bricks on the storefront clashed with the various other shops he shared a wall with, but he liked the variety. Some of the newer cities he had seen when he was adventuring were so uniform and boring compared to this chaotic-yet-comfortable place. Walking back to the desk where he sat every day, his wooden leg clunked dully on the smooth gray stone that tiled the floor. He had been building a wind-up toy of a horse and wanted to make sure the spring mechanisms were still connected properly. Maybe when he finished, he'd go greet his neighbors, but for now, he was focused on this task. It was a gift for his nephew's 6th birthday, and he wanted it to be perfect.