Percy had nearly jumped out of his chair when he heard the captain. As she continues to speak, he tries to straighten himself up and [i]not [/i]look like he just had the [i]everloving shit[/i] scared out of him. When the dossiers were handed out, he flipped through the pictures rather quickly at first, just to see what they all looked like, then he went back and listened to the explanations with his peers. When it was mentioned he and Madison were going to be grouped together, he glanced over to her - and she very well might be looking back at him - then he looked back to the pictures. [i][color=lightgray]So I'm working with the kid, then.[/color][/i] He grimaced when it got to the point where the the notes for the last picture had said "Let the Mad-e take the brunt of the hits," Percy looks back to Madison again. She's basically a [i]child[/i], how dare they say to let her take the hits? She looks like she's at MOST, 16! His parental instincts are kicking in and they're not even in the mission yet. He's not keen on letting someone get hurt - especially when they're so young. [i][color=lightgray]Did she just sign up for this cause she thought it'd be fun?[/color][/i] He takes a moment to remember, and.. she did. At least, she made it out like she did, saying [i]she saw the opportunity to pilot an NC and thought "Hell yes!"[/i], in more or less those words. After being dismissed, Percy gives Madison a more intense stare, like he's wanting to say something to her. but again, it feels like his mouth won't let the words come out. So he simply silently promises her, [i][color=lightgray]You're not getting hurt on my watch.[/color][/i] [hider=OOC Comments] I freaked myself out over this post I shouldn't have but weh. I'll get better I swear. also Percy stop you're being creepy. [/hider]