[hider=Flag] [img]http://i.imgur.com/60QvHiL.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Nation Name:[/b] The Kingdom of Kalpia [b]Brief Nation History[/b] The Kingdom of Kalpia was a very divided kingdom with a lot of feudal dinasties fighting for power , that was until a great figure appeared called Gathian IV , this king was able to overcome the problems that his father and grandfather couldnt solve , he centralized the goverment made the nobles more loyal to the crown an even gave some rights to the bourgeoisie , his kingdom was one of the first to become an Absolutist Monarchy , but to overcome all the nobles he had to make an army loyal to the crown and not to the nobles this task took years but Gathian IV made it , he made an standing army big and disciplined , because of this Gathian was considered a military genius and his tactics and strategies are still used in the army of Kalpia. The Succesors of Gathian IV has been able to maintain the army Gathian IV had created , but more recently they aspire to create a larger kingdom in honor of Gathian IV [b]Government:[/b] Absolutist Monarchy [b]Landmass:[/b] [hider=Map] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AiMtUTe.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Spend points here :[/b] [b]-- Population:[/b] 13,000,000 (1) [b]-- Martial Prowess:[/b] An largue army of soldiers have the task to defend the kingdom and the king , they have a high morale , the best discipline and some of the most modern equipment and strategies (11) [b]-- Cultural Unity:[/b] Faith Unity , the army and an Old Culture maintains the kingdom united(2) [b]-- Navy:[/b] 1 (3 Third Rates, 2 Second Rates and 1 First Rate) [b]-- Colonies:[/b] 0