[b]Gratia Mindaro - Cafeteria[/b] It had moved. Once again, something had simulated the strands of hair that spiked out of Luke's head, and they had changed position in response. What had it been? The timing was coincidental with the checking of the phone. The huntress bored her onyx eyes into her object of observation, scanning every crease of the other's skin with unwavering intensity. There had been the raising of the eyebrows too. Was it surprise that simulated the hair? "[color=66cd00]Luke Schwarz,[/color]" she said, voice cold and utterly lacking in any emotion. "[color=66cd00]Why the fuck does your hair move?[/color]" Gratia wanted to know. It was so irksome, having to deal with a figure whose quirks were annoying and confusing. She would rectify that situation. Now. In less than a second, she almost glided across the chairs, stopping right across from Luke. Yet her expression never changed, get gaze wavered not a single inch. She would know.