[center][h3][color=darkgreen][b]Kingdom of Braiyusal January 1836[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [center][i]The Braiyusalian people have struggled long and hard these past years. The tides of change have swept through the nation, and while many embraced it, some did not. These scars have just begun to heal under the reign of King Rolfe, but no one knows what the future will bring.[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]Eldham, Capital of Braiyusal Braiyusalian Elections Begin[/b][/center] King Rolfe sat quietly at the end of the table, the senators had just begun gathering inside the room. First entered Senator Leo III, a nobleman who rules over a small plot of land near the capital. He was almost completely incompetent, but with that incompetence came loyalty to the kingdom and it’s king that Rolfe had never seen before. Next was Senator Ouen who ruled over Fort Lanchester. A general in the army for several years he had proven himself in battle many times, rising through the ranks. His military strategy is often welcome, but he is a better suited general then Senator. Not long after Senator Gylbart III, rumors haven’t done the man any favors. There are talks that he wishes the Anarcho-Liberal Extremist, and is trying to remove the monarchy altogether. As frightening as these rumors are though, King Rolfe has found little evidence of this. At the same time three other senators had entered Senator Gerard, Wyman, and Humphrey. All three are politically conservative, and though disagree with some of Rolfe’s more progressive reforms have remained loyal. Next was Sir Donald III, the first man to renounce his senator title, arguing that he was a knight first and a senator second, though he was fine being both. Knighthood had earned little loyalty towards the crown however, his views are often reactionary and has sought to return to the old ways. Two more senators entered Roley and Joss VI, the exact opposite of Sir Donald. They walked a fine line between Anarchy and Liberalism, and argued for more power for the senate. The last seat though was empty, held by Senator Bartel, who died four months ago, after a period of illness. The matter was investigated, but it seems to have been natural death. After each senator took their seat, Roley was quick to begin discussions. “The people deserve fair and equal representation within the government, many nations have already accommodated this, we and a few others though remain at odds with this ideal. The future of nations isn’t governed by a king, but by the people. If the monarchy can not learn to adapt to this, then the people will remove the monarchy.” “Shut up about the damned people Roley, the King has given in to so many liberal demands that if he listened any further we would fall into anarchy” Sir Donald demanded. Senator Gerard shouted in agreement, while Humphrey nodded quietly with approval. “Your majesty this is the same man who refuses to use his title of Senator, a title given to a select few during time of service. A service that I might add, to the king himself.” Roley’s temper was getting the best of him, but in comparison to Sir Donald it was relatively tame. This argument continued for a long period of time, but soon enough discussions changed. Topics on how to deal with the threats of outside nations, specifically Nehelenia, and the defense of their colonies in the New World where prevalent. Nearly six hours of debate on issues had passed, but Rolfe had kept interest throughout. His decision was made, and silently stood. “Sir Donald and Senator Joss VI, I hereby relieve you of your service as senators of the people and king. With this relieve I wish you luck, but must hereby revoke the title of senator.” Joss VI left quietly, most likely to return to his small plantation in the east, but Sir Donald left with a sneer, “Your petty title and this kingdom means nothing to me, have fun falling into anarchy.” Most likely to return to his home in Bellesea Keep Sir Donald left, but with family in Tangaria he may leave the country entirely if he truly meant those words. For now though, over the next three months elections will take place. [hr] JARELIAN INDEPENDENCE CRISIS Official Statement from King Rolfe himself [i]“We have no opinion on the crisis at hand, and can only hope that matters are resolved without bloodshed.” ~Signed King Rolfe of House Rolant[/i]