[center][img=http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/raptor-man_zps06c95bcc.png][/center] [center][b]Zac Wilson[/b] | [b]Kelly Brown[/b][/center] “Um, I will be ordering five, no, make that six hamburgers with everything on them, plus two large fries to go.” Zac told the cashier at Five Guys and Fries, not making any eye contact with the cashier due to his embarrassment from ordering so much food. Zac was the only person in the fast-food restaurant, since it was almost ten o’ clock, when Five Guys closed. Luckily for him, they had not closed up yet. “You’re going to eat all of this?” The cashier asked Zac, rather shocked that one person ordered so much food. “Most of it is for my girlfriend. Just one of those ‘on a whim’ things, I guess.” Zac held his tongue back from mentioning anything about Kelly being a meta-human. “She’s pregnant?” Zac just stared back at the cashier after that response. Even though the symptoms of cravings might have pointed toward pregnancy, Zac obviously knew this was not true or at least that is what he thought. While Zac and Kelly did share a bed together in their apartment, they do not sleep together in that way. “Um...not exactly.” Zac answered. He just hoped that the cashier would just ring up his order, allow him to pay, and Zac would just sit in the restaurant until the food was finished. Once Zac paid for his order, he took a sit towards the front of the restaurant. “I see that you have escaped from those mercenaries I hired. What a shame that hired hands are not what they used to be.” A voice said to Zac. Zac jumped in his seat since he had thought there were no other customers inside the restaurant. Sitting at a table across from him was a middle-aged man wearing a trench coat and wide-brimmed hat. Under his hat, it was obvious that his head was shaven. A pair of glasses with lens that provided one-way vision shrouded his eyes. “Don’t worry,” He said, “This device will kept our conversation confidential.” His finger tapped against a small device resting on the table. “Did you do make us into animalistic meta-humans?” Zac asked. “Why, of course I did. You and your girlfriend were my first step toward perfecting my serum to create meta-humans. After I finish analyzing your and your girlfriend’s blood and DNA samples, I will have the create variables to complete my work.” “Wait one second. You’re a super-villain and you’re telling me your master plan? Aren’t you supposed to keep that a secret?” “Me, a villain? You have me all wrong. I am not trying to take over the world. I am trying to save it. There are countless applications for meta-human abilities in solving real world problems. Imagine how water generation could solve global water shortages, or plant manipulation could out produce traditional methods without using harmful chemicals, or cellular regeneration’s potential to revolutionizing medical technology. I am freely bestowing this gift onto humanity. All they have to do it reach out for it and they will receive it.” “Sounds like it could be too easily weaponized.” “That can be easily counteracted by only providing abilities that are non-lethal and provide positive benefits to humanity, or rather, meta-humanity. Furthermore, unlike those corrupt industrial tycoons, whose methods unnaturally introduce foreign DNA and unnaturally alter the original DNA, my serum acts like a catalysis to naturally turn on a switch within our human genome in order to activate these abilities.” “It still sounds like there are strings attached to it.” “You and all of your caped crusaders will probably also see it that way because you all only see in two colors. Black and White. And you all always identify with the White, as if you were championing the rights of the abused and underprivileged. But remember, you and your girlfriend are the predators here, not me. The Velociraptor and the Wasp. I am like the gentle herbivore sauropod and even though my ideas sound wonderful, you, the predators, will crash down on me like the carnivorous animals you are. We shall see who is the Black and who is the White.” Zac was about to respond to the mysterious man, but the cashier called out his number, signaling that his order was ready for pick-up. Zac turned to signal that he would be over in a second, but when he turned back, the mysterious man was gone. Was the machine that he had able to hide him from everyone’s view? Unsure how to proceed, Zac just got out of his seat, picked up his order, and hurried out of the restaurant. --- Kelly devoured the last bite of her fifth hamburger. Zac was surprised how her original yellowish complexion had returned before he returned with what she wanted from Five Guys and Fries, although her skin had not returned to its original sensitivity level. As she dipped the last of her French Fries into some ketchup, Alice suddenly entered into the room where Zac and Kelly were relaxing. “We have your beds ready. Once you’re finished eating, I can lead you two back there.” Zac and Kelly nodded, signaling their acknowledgment of what she said. Ever since the cashier made the comment about “pregnancy cravings”, Zac was bothered about hi s and his girlfriend’s current lifestyle. While they had not done anything that they would be ashamed to admit to their parents, something inside his heart bothered him because they had shared a bed with each other these past five months. Even though their parents knew that they were rooming together, they did not know that they were sleeping together. “Kelly, does it bother you that our parents don’t know that we are not sleeping in separate beds?” This question caught Kelly off guard. Before she answered, she finished chewing a French fry. “Well,” she started, “we haven’t done anything stupid yet, so I don’t think we have anything to worry about. Until that’s no longer true, we should not worry about it.” Once she finished her meal, Kelly carried her trash over to the waste bucket, discarding it. Kelly then sat behind Zac, massaging Zac’s shoulders with her upper arms, while her lower arms did the same to his lower back. Once Zac felt more relaxed, they both got up and called Alice so that they could finally get some rest.