[h3]Witches[/h3] Human-like creatures with an innate relationship to the energies of the earth. Generally each is very closely aligned with one particular element or craft in which they excel at. This could be healing, herb potions, elemental magicks (no more than one each), and very rarely soothsayers or seers. Some of the magicks preformed require “energy words” to give them power and life but not all, these are generally very old magicks that were developed when the relationship between witches and the earth was less understood than it is in modern times. Healing is one of the less common magicks of Witches but there are generally very powerful but their endurance for healing large injuries is not very extensive. Potions, however, is an extremely common magick among witches and nearly all of them can produce basic potions. Potion making is the magick of combining herbs and other things and purifying them and meshing their energies so that the drinker of the potion receives the intended purpose, generally they boost immunity, give energy, though some of the more powerful witches and warlocks are capable of producing invisibility potions and poisons as well as many other complex potions like shape-shifting potions. Elemental magick is one that is not well understood just yet but it seems to be common in babies born on equinoxes and solstices. There are Five main elements as far as witches are concerned and they are Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Energy. Energy is much less common and even less understood, users of this magick are often volatile and do not live long. Within each of the five elements users may specialize in doing certain things like plants or animals for earth or solid or liquid water. These supernaturals are an off shoot from the human ancestry tree, no one is quite sure when they came about but they are fairly common in numbers and often dwell in large groups amongst one another in groups called Covens or Groves simply for the reason of being around others of their kind. They are generally a very peaceful bunch but there is the occasionally rotten apple every once a hundred years or so. Generally females are more prevalent than males in theses supernaturals. Usually a ratio of 1:2 Witches are taught from a young age to respect nature and to be as in tune with it as possible. Theses supernaturals have an extended life span as well, they can live to be around 200 or so years old. The oldest recorded Witch was around 250 years old when she died, her name was Elise Stone.