[color=0054a6][h2]Amber-Midnight Squad Warehouse[/h2][/color] Amber shrugged off Violets threat. He didn't expect her to take him up on his offer but he wanted to she how she would react. Her threat did make him pause for a bit. Did they even have a human resources person? That thought about a group like them having a HR department made him laugh a little bit. Next thing he knows he'll be ask what insurance plan he would like. Composing himself he started to follow his team-members. It looked like he was stuck impersonating some cop. It didn't sound to hard to do but sometimes things can take a weird turn at the drop of a pin. Mission Start Amber walked into the building and took a quick look around. A decent amount of people and some people from the press were here waiting for this thing to start. Amber made his way into a corner, and after making sure no one beside Akashi would notice, turned on his semblance.