Fires... the smell of burning flesh filled the nostrils. Crackling and snapping of flesh and bone. Naked in the dark. Looking down to see nothing but flames covering his entire body. Skin slowly charring and wrinkling, boiling and spitting out puss. Jack put his hands in front of his face and noticed his old arms were back. Covering himself to protect himself but it was no use. "Detective Roman... Detective Roman... Jack!" His eyes were blurry but he could see the feminine face in front of him. "Ugh do I always have to have a headache after the neural calibration?" Jack said while rubbing the sides of his temples. The thin blonde haired doctor pushed her silver glasses back up onto her nose as she gave a pretty smirk. "Not unless you like having those prosthetic arms of yours dart around like a tesla powered jackhammer." Rin joked. Jack gave a light grin as he got up off the medical slab. "Well, depending on where I'm aiming it may be useful." Jack tried to let out a brief chuckle but the sudden jolt made his head pound. "Jeeze once a month is enough for me. I'll see you on the 1st Dr. Emris." He slowly got up and grabbed his leather coat. Too dizzy to try and put it on he instead slung it over his shoulder before he made a b-line for the tiny office door. "Oh and Detective Roman... you were talking in your sleep again." Rin muttered. Jack stopped in his tracks. "Who's Michelle?" Before she could finish the question the door was already shut. "Damn docs supposed to fix my arms not poke my brain... who does she think she is?" His aggitation obviously increased by the headaches and dizzyness. His vision was blurry as he passed by building after building. Wandering aimlessly waiting for the side effects to wear off. Flashes of a burning body crossed his mind, than a familiar womans face flashed in front of him. "Michelle... " following the woman until she took a seat onto a park bench. Guilt shown on his face as he watched the woman sit there nervously. Repeatedly rubbing his eyes to fix his vision as he slowly made his way to the bench and sat next to her. He wasn't thinking straight. These damn implants are driving him nuts, he thought. Looking up at the woman he expected to see a familiar face... it wasn't. Although similar, it wasn't her. Jack attempted to regain his bearings as he noticed a man standing in front of him... was it a man? No.. a Bot. "Damn robots are everywhere nowadays..." he muttered to himself before noticing the look on the womans face. "Err... sorry ma'am, just a little light headed at the moment and needed to get my bearings." It was obvious he was interrupting something and they most likely thought he was drugged off his brain. Jack raised up a two fingers and placed them on his temple. "I'm clean... just these damn neurode-thingies that keep acting up."