Hey everyone. Sorry. A few things: 1. It's my first week with all 3 of my kids full time. So be patient. From this point forward, I'll be slower one week, not so much the next as we change custody every Monday for a week. 2. I practice patience. You should too. I'm here, even if gone for several days. The RP will progress. Do not ever assume this RP will die. Worst case scenario will be you and I until the end of the season when we recruit again. Hopefully the "you" part of that equation is a good amount of people. 3. I will be setting up a google docs for the CDC group. I'm late in doing so, but my attention has been diverted that last few days, and that will unfortunately continue throughout this week. I will most likely have this up tomorrow afternoon, eastern time. 4. I'll say it again, and not for the last time. Be patient. I mentioned that in the INTCHK, and in the OOC. If you cannot handle waiting several days for posts, let me know and just bow out of the RP. It won't be the first, nor will it be the last time. 5. Please let me know of any extended absences or major shifts, along with anyone you are RPing with. Last, thank you FOR your patience thus far. Az