[center][hider=Leonard Siegfriedt] [b]Name:[/b] Leonard Siegfriedt [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/XraElwI.jpg[/img] (Ignore the gun, his pansy ass probably couldn't even lift it) [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5’2, 112 lbs. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Personality:[/b] While Leonard may seem like a rather grim person, that’s just a misconception most people would get from his clothing. He’s actually rather shy, and tries to hide as much of himself from others as he can, hence the hood and the faceguard. He’s actually a lot nicer than you’d take him for, difficult to anger and easy to please. As a doctor, he believes it to be his duty to help the unwell, and can’t stand to see people suffer when he can do something to help. Even though he has Hypochondriasis. [b]Home Island:[/b] North Blue, Principality of Eurijk [b]History:[/b] To understand why Leonard is the way he is, it’s more important to know who his parents were, or rather, parent. A woman by the name of Charlotte Siegfriedt, infamously known as the Plague Woman. A person who consumed a rather odd Devil-Fruit by the name of the Toru-Toru no Mi, the Thieving fruit. Despite the powerful nature of the fruit, Charlotte solely used the innately malicious power of the fruit to, rather than steal things such as other’s organs or lives, instead stole from them their ailments, their weariment, their sickness, and their afflictions. Truly a saint, Charlotte traveled the world, willing to help whoever she could save by using her own body as the host for innumerable viruses. Doing so was no easy task for her, however. The pain was unbearable at times, with several fevers racking her body every week, sometimes hitting at the same time. Were it not for her strong conviction to help others, she likely would have died in her sleep countless times. Naturally, carrying that many ailments would shorten one’s lifespan dramatically, and as such, she was fated to die by the age of 30, if not sooner. Doing what she could with her remaining time, she travelled the North Blue, where she was already infamous for having eliminated the lethal Muave Pox that spread through it years before; infamous for being the only known carrier of it. As such, she was shunned and nearly stoned to death several times, resulting in the loss of one of her eyes. From there, Leonard isn’t sure of how he came to be. He isn’t sure who his father is, or how an infant was able to be born without getting deathly ill from a woman like his mother. But what he did know was that his mother was dying every moment he was with her. It was a terrifying experience for the boy, knowing that his mother would die soon. But he never expected the day she would leave their make-shift home in the middle of the swamp-land region of Eurijk. Without a word of goodbye besides a letter telling Leonard to live honestly, his mother vanished. Sailing off to sea, she perished in the middle of the sea somewhere, her body drifting to the bottom of the sea with her host of plagues. Terribly saddened and alone, Leonard soon declined into depression, cursing the world that there was never anyone who could cure his mother of her illnesses. Now alone in the world, Leonard studied tirelessly to perfect medicines of his own concoction, using himself and various animals around the area to test his brews. One of those concoctions also happened to nearly blow his entire home to pieces, resulting in the left side of his face to be burned quite severely. Years later, without a penny to his name, he set off into the world to cure the incurable, more than aware of his dream being absolutely ridiculous. But then...a world free of sickness never was his own dream. It was his mother’s. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] [i]Do No Harm[/i] Despite his Hippocratic Oath, Leonard understands perfectly well that in this violent world, conflict is inevitable. While not a proficient hand-to-hand fighter, he has the knowledge required to dislocate someone’s bones if given enough of an opening, as well as having amazingly precise and steady hands. Combined with his accurate vision, he is able to throw scalpels like throwing knives with a great deal of precision. [b]Crew Position:[/b] Doctor [b]Bounty:[/b] 0 [b]Others:[/b] Wears his faceguard more to hide his face than to keep from catching something, despite his frightfully strong immune system. While he does have the potential to have rather strong Observation Haki, he is currently unaware of Haki's existence, and has no idea how to use it. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hvmfi2YUWA]Character Theme[/url] [/hider][/center]