[@vanarambaion]come on over to the OOC and take a gander on what we have available. If you are still interested post what you had in mind for a character and we can work you right in when ready. [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/47498-rites-of-passage-a-high-fantasy-forgotten-realms-adventure/ooc]OOC[/url] First post in the OOC and first post in the Character tab have lots of good info on the story. OOC post is outdated as far as timeline goes however I can't update it (too much information it won't let me edit the post) If you wish to read the story in full I'm sorry...I began it in the Casual section and when I realized that was a bit too casual I moved to advanced. Thus the beginning of the story is lost in the ether somewhere. Questions, comments, help with Character sheets, double chocolate chip cookies, I'll be over there to help with any of that. I hope to see you there.