[center][img]https://i.gyazo.com/041e226bca0bbc829b34de3f7ef0cc40.png[/img] [b][color=DCDCDC]"The Accidentally Macabre Doctor and the Rowdy Tavern"[/color][/b][/center] Walking through the town was a rather peculiar sight, well, not for this world. A rather short man with deathly pale skin with a cloak that seemed to be worn out and ancient, as if he were a timeless traveler. Some made way for him as he walked down the streets, his slanted crimson eyes looking as people avoided him like the plague, all the while wondering: [color=DCDCDC][i]"...I-I don't smell that bad, do I? I washed this coat yesterday..."[/i][/color] And, it was true. His dirty looking coat did indeed smell of fabric softener and lavender, if ever so slightly. A little girl he passed by hugged her mother's leg, while he felt a tinge of pain in his throat. [color=DCDCDC][i]"M-M-M-Maybe I'm just cr-cr-creepy,"[/i][/color] he pondered, before dissapearing down an alleyway, to go crouch in a corner, dejected from his lack of social skills. The short doctor would spend a good half an hour there, finding a rather hungry looking cat to pet, before going off to replenish his supply of vodka. Worked fairly well as a cheap disinfectant, albeit a painful one. Nearly walking past a woman who appeared to be giving out single pitchers of ale for free, he stopped on his heel, hood and mask still covering most of his face as he asked: [color=DCDCDC][b]"...What p-proof is your alcohol?"[/b][/color] as he looked judgingly at the ale, barely picking up his stutter fast enough to make it hard to hear.[color=DCDCDC] [i]"Please don't think I'm creepy..."[/i][/color] he pleaded mentally, accidentally glaring at the pink haired lady as he waited for her response. Looking over to the other person who was there, a fishman, he noticed something very faint and very quick. Maybe it was the slight delay one might have when reacting with an injured body part, or the distinct scent of bandages over a bloodied wound, but he felt compelled to ask: [color=DCDCDC][b]"A-A-Are you injured? I'ma-a-a doctor,"[/b][/color] as he jittered nervously. This fish man was big, and RIPPED. And had a sword. Maybe he should have shut up and taken the free alcohol. [color=DCDCDC][i]"PLEASE DON'T THINK I'M CREEPY!"[/i][/color]he mentally shouted, staring at the fish-man with accidentally intense eyes.