[quote=@Morden Man] [center][img]http://s30.postimg.org/wekde1cel/2000px_Captain_America_Shield_svg.png[/img][/center] A pained expression appeared on Cap's face and he leaned over towards Quill and whispered to him. "Do you know what that meant? He lost me somewhere around the fourth dude." [/quote] Quill couldn't help himself. When the smirk came to his lips, he didn't even fight it, just kept it toned down a bit. Yeah, he liked the duck. Gotta be awesome to use that many dudes correctly in an awesome sentence. With a returned whisper, Quill gave the bad news: "It's a 'babes' thing, dude...you probably wouldn't understand......unless that red head you were with is...?" And Quill let the question linger, until the beginnings of a hard edge in Cap's eyes gave all the response needed on that note. "...totally get it. Who doesn't like redheads?" [i]Lord knows I do.[/i]