[h1]Sir Lachlan[/h1] Lachlan was slightly surprised by the Prince's willingness to follow. Then again, he supposed that had he not interrupted under the Queen's orders things might have been different. He turned and walked down the hall back toward his sister's rooms. As the Prince began to speak, he glanced over his shoulder to look at him. Once more, he was surprised by the Prince. This man did not match the man he had heard on the battlefield or of the man that even his brother had told him about. He had a silver tongue and Lachlan didn't trust it, he really would need to keep an eye on him. He nodded his head to the Prince, deciding it best to show the man the same respect that he was showing him, [color=silver][b]"I have, Your Majesty. Although my father never claimed me, I consider myself lucky that he favoured me. Of course, favour gets you few places in court... Especially once the King was dead."[/b][/color] He bowed his head slightly at the thought. He had spent many of his younger years with his father. In the last few years, they hadn't been as close. Not with Lachlan traveling the country and helping to quell any civil unrest. It made him wish some days that he had not taken the course in his life that he might have had more time to spend with his father... Had he, he'd be dead now though. He was too much in the public eye as a good man to be cut down now. Realizing he had been wrapped up in his thoughts, he looked at the Prince again, [color=silver][b]"It would seem that I am not the only one who has done well for themselves. Prince or not, I've heard much about you on the battlefield,"[/b][/color] The comment was thinly veiled before he quickly continued as though it were nothing, "But please... Do not worry about disrespecting me. I've been called a Bastard since birth. There are some, I'm sure, who believe that to be my given name."[/b][/color] As they reach the Queen's rooms, he knocked lightly before entering, [color=silver][b]"His Majesty, the Crown Prince of Thirmos, Prince Rowan."[/b][/color] [@OfficerHeadbutt][@HushedWhispers] [hr] [h1]Lady Juliet and Prince Caeling[/h1] Juliet smiled at the Prince as he suggested that the two of them get lost within the garden. She picked her shoes off the ground and walked over to him, "I believe I might get in trouble if I am the reason the Prince has gone missing," She said jokingly before she took a seat on the bench next to him. Placing her shoes next to herself, she moved her hands to her lap and closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. She stayed like that for a moment before opening her eyes again, "Thirmos... is a beautiful country... Or it at least seemed so from the carriage. Everything seems to be so beautiful.. Although, maybe it is because it is new..." Caeling chuckled. "I think I could keep you out of trouble. I have an understanding of responsibility to my lessers that my brother seems to lack." Thirmos was indeed beautiful, and Caeling had seen much of it as a squire, then as a knight. There were rolling hills and ruins, and there were great forests and rivers. The folk were diligent, and the animals graceful. Yet, there was danger. The places of beauty could hide the worst of thugs, and the graceful animals could turn vicious. "It is not just that it is new. I have lived here many years, and I did knight work out in the countryside, and each year I see more beauty." Juliet pondered the thought of travelling a countryside before she shook her head, "This in the first time I've been out of the castle in years... Of course, it isn't to thrilling to go from one castle to another," Her eyes drifted down her lap as she played slightly with her skirts, "It's humourous... The first time I got to see more of Sevaviel, I was leaving it." She took a deep breath and looked about the garden, "I suppose I face the same fate here. That is the fate I recieve as a Lady..." She looked at Caeling, "Sometimes I wonder what life would be like as a man. If I would have seen more of the world. If I would know more," Suddenly, realizing the course of her words, she gasped, "I do like my life though as a Lady... I just... My apologies, Your Highness, you most likely have little care for my curiousity." "Your curiosity is not without merit, but you must understand, that beauty hides danger. Some day, you might get to see it, but for now, it is too dangerous for a fragile lady such as yourself." Caeling himself loved the gardens as much as the rolling hills and forests of the countryside. At heart, it was the people who he loved outside the castle. Part of what he loved, though, about the land, was the danger, and leaving comforts. This was something that no fragile lady could enjoy. A small quick laugh escaped from between her lips before she quickly quelled it. Of course Caeling didn't know that she wasn't exactly as fragile as she looked. Although, even if she could fight, she often did do her best to avoid any conflict. Even earlier that day she ran from the Crown Prince as he attacked the Lord. Maybe if she were out in the world and not living with people of better standing she would be less timid. She covered her mouth before she looked at him, embarrassed by her outburst, "My apologise once more, Your Highness. I should not have laughed," She ran her fingers over the small calluses that made her hands rougher than a lady's hand should be, "My mother would never refer to me in such away. It is refreshing being viewed as such." [@Jozarin]