[b]Western Sides, Bay of Amazonia, near the Thermodon river mouth[/b] Admiral John Gortan watched how a rowing vessel moved in on the shore. On board of the boat where Westers Sides Company diplomats Hugo Mcvain and Arthur Rochier. Their job was to deliver Nehalenia's terms to settle the situation and in the case of disagreement, discuss different terms. The road to the Queens castle was pretty much unclear. In the old world, Amazonia was pretty much uncharted territory. Not much was known about this civilization. None the less, the Nehalenians regarded them as inferior barbarians, like every other civilization they have encountered in the new worlds. Even some old world powers like the Sanguine Empire where viewed as substandard and underdeveloped. As the admiral watched his diplomatic party approach the Amazonian shore the captain of the RNN Nehalenia nodded “Do you think these uncivilized barbarians will agree to the terms, admiral?” The admiral remained silent for a few seconds and then spoke. “No, my expectation is that the entire diplomatic party gets executed. That is why I only send a small 8 men escort with them. After that we'll search the coast and see if we can find the” RNN Victory and recapture her by force. If not, we'll shell some coastal towns in retaliation and go home. No point In going to war over a single ship. The costs of such war will be greater then to build a new ship. It is more a matter of prestige. I am willing to accept the loss of some prestige. That is what you get if the WSC board is putting incompetent men in command of prestigious ships just because he's the son of a board member. Admiral Gortan was refering to Percy Duvail, captain of the RNN Victory and son of Argibald Duvail on of the 5 board members of the Western Sides company. Percy Duvail did graduate from the Royal Nehalenian Naval academy but was generaly considered average at best. Under normal circumstances men who just graduated from the Naval Academy would be enlisted as an officer on a navy or trade vessel and gradually rise across the ranks until they where experienced enough to become captain of a ship. In Percy's case, his father pulled some strings to make sure he would become captain of a prestigious first rate ship. The consequences of this action proved to be a disaster. Percy Duvail managed to ran his ship aground on his first voyage and was never heard from again. Only through a long search throughout the Western Sides the RNN Victory was found as in possession of the Amazonian Queen. After that the board hastily ordered a recovery operation. [b]The diplomats Hugo McVain and Arthur Rogier carried the following letter for the Queen of Amazonia[/b] To the great Queen of Amazonia Word has reached the Nehalenian king that armed forces of the Queendom of Amazonia has seized the Royal Nehalenian Naval ship RNN Victory. This is an action that could be considered an act of war. The Western Sides Company has been authorized by King George Therus III of Nehalenia to conduct all diplomatic matter in the Western Sides. By this letter the board of the Western Sides Company would like to inform the Queen of Amazonia that such actions against Nehalenian interests are not tolerated. However the board still sees room to avoid bloodshed and war. By authorization of king George Therus III of Nehalenia the Western Sides proposes the following solution: The Queendom of Amazonia will comply with the following terms: 1. The immediate release of the RNN Victory. 2. The immediate release of all officers and crew members that where captured. 3. The payment of 100.000 Nehalenian pounds as reparations. 4. The Queendom of Amazonia will refrain from any form of hostile action against Nehalenian shipping and trade interest for the next 50 years If these terms are not acceptable for the great Queen of Amazonia, the diplomats Hugo McVain and Arthur Rogier are authorized by the board to discus changes to these terms.