[@Yorutenchi][@Renny][@Rin][@bmxbrat484] [center][h3][b][u][color=088A85]M a r x o [/color][/u][/b][/h3] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/drf4uf.png[/IMG] Before the elven lady could respond , Marxo felt this displeasing tone in his partners’ voice. He guessed that Nabil thought he took the woman seriously, but after all who could with such a seen she’d caused. Marxo didn’t like the thought of disappointing Nabil. He began to immediately withdraw his first response. [color=088A85] “ On second thought, seems to me Nabil doesn’t like your proposal. To be frank , I’ve been around my partner so long it’s hard to disagree with him. I think I’m going to have to let you down easy little lady. It’s apparent from your random outburst that Nabil is quite correct. You do seem to be more trouble than you’re worth.” [/color] With this remark Marxo eased back into his chair. At this moment he noticed the girl taunting him out of the corner of his eye and it made him laugh a little on the inside. While Nabil stuffed his face Marxo calmly awaited his liquor. He would have no more to say to the young pirate. He really didn’t see where they’d fit in on a misfit pirate ship with an elf, a shark boy, and a rude little girl. Nabil didn’t seem to want to find out either. Marxo felt accomplished with his decision and word choice, even though they were based upon another’s thoughts . This other just happen to be his only friend for the time being. How would he dare turn his back on Nabil. He just couldn’t . It didn’t seem right if they were apart. After pondering for mere seconds , Marxo realized he didn’t have a drink or a smoke. [color=088A85] “Oh this just won’t do. Excuse me waitress , I still need my drinks and that those smokes. [/color] , his tone seems light and playful but honestly Marxo was beginning to get impatient again. He smiled as he spoke, not to seem like the asshole from earlier. With every second an urge to destroy everything over a cigarette cinged his mind like a freshly heated cattle prod.[/center]