Name: Elijah Arviant Age: 24 Home world: Earth Race: Parasitic human Gender: Male Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] similar to how Quiets face is when in combat with the black markings. Elijah does as well except his goes where he is using them ie he using a gun they'll be focused around the eyes. He using his arms they'll be all along his arms Physicality: enhanced strength and speed/endurance. Limited intangibility.the ability to camouflage himself including clothes. visual acuity is such that he could spot individual blades on a helicopter when they were at full speed, which could combined with his speed to allow him to shoot in between them and not hit the blades. Amazing depth perception. Due to injuries received a lot of my organs are unusable. Main organs that were heavily damaged, lungs stomach, as such my character isn't able to use breathe normally or eat. To be able to live the parasite modified the structure of Elijah's skin to be able to breathe and drink water. As such Elijah isn't able to wear a lot of clothing. (not gonna go overboard with it. Mainly no shirt or something extremely light and loose, as for pants he'll most likely have something like running pants). The way he drinks is by showering/ being put in water, saltwater would cause burns. The way he takes nourishment is a process similar to photosynthesis. Since his stomach can't take food anymore the virus adapted to allow him to eat. It can be passed to others through saliva. Elijah tends to not speak or if he has to wear something over his mouth that will allow him to talk freely. Personality: Before Elijah was infected he was a very outgoing person who spent a lot of his time with his unit going out.Was very carefree and had a lot of hope for the world. He was known to never leave a person behind in the field or at the bar. Was a very charitable person who helped people whenever he could. After being infected he became more cautious of the people not from earth for their world was very different than his. He now tends to keep to himself as well as not speak as much. History: Highlights before the gate: Graduated top of his class in high school, joined the Marine Corp. Went the infantry route tried out for recon and passed, got selected for the Scout Sniper mos. Graduated 2nd of his class. Was deployed once. Got 5th degree black belt in MCMAP. Gate opened- His unit were some of the first to enter it. They were to recon the surrounding area. Him and his spotter went off to find some high ground. During their trek they were captured his buddy was killed by bandits. Elijah wasn't spared that mercy he was subjected to their torture for several days before he finally managed to break free. He found that he had trouble breathing and his ribs hurt, his stomach was just a massive purple,red and and black spot. He figured he had some type of internal inure. He stumbled his way out and found himself in a marsh. He collapsed after a hour of wander less walking. When he awoke he wasn't in pain and he felt like nothing could go wrong. He stood up and stretched himself out. He felt a little sore but other than that he felt perfect. Looking down he noticed that his stomach wasn't bruised anymore and his chest looked fine. He somehow felt stronger. He wandered some more but came to the place he escaped from. He figured it wouldn't hurt to look and see if he could get some revenge. He overtook and killed two guards before they could even respond. Elijah was in awe at the speed that he accomplished it. He had never moved that fast. That day he found all of his powers. He was also able to retrieve his equipment. To his dismay he found that upon putting on his full uniform he found it harder to breathe. After several test he concluded that it was caused by a outside factor. After that he decided to go around shirtless. but was able to attach ammo carries and stuff to clip his weapons on. After clearing the place of enemies he decided to rest there. He went to take a drink and eat some food but found that it only hurt upon entering his system. What he ate and drank cause him to throw up. When he poured water on himself to clean it up he felt his thirst being quenched. In a dream later that night he dreamt of a parasite that was using his body but in a symbiotic relationship. When he awoke he understood what he was now and how to take care of himself. He also understood his abilities and that he was contagious to others but only through saliva. As such he took his partners balaclava he'd wear it when close to others. Weapons: [hider=Suppressed AWM][img][/img][/hider] [hider=knife][img][/img][/hider] [hider=H&K Mark 23][img][/img][/hider] [hider= MK18 CQB add a suppressor][img][/img][/hider] 5th degree black belt in MCMAP Combat style: (if any) Often works alone but is able to work in groups. Tends to take the high ground or is far away. Up close hes able to effectively use his carbine, pistol or knife and if one or the other is broken or out of ammunition he able to use his martial arts training to either knockout, maim or kill his opponent. Comical quirks: hums a lot. tends to listen to music more than normal. Has a guitar that he likes to play occasionally Him [url=]humming[/url] Theme song: [url=]theme[/url] [url=]10 hours of pure fun[/url]