[centre][h1][u]LetMeDoStuff[/u][/h1][/centre] [hider=Grant Trinity][u][b]Profile[/b][/u] [b]Picture:[/b] [img]http://pre08.deviantart.net/51d3/th/pre/f/2015/192/3/b/3b2e15620b4c3479d3cd1c6a0cb160ac-d90uw2u.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Grant Trinity [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Mydleton [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Shift:[/b] The Grim Titan [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [b]Shift Description: [Drawn by myself][/b] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/d8fe/th/pre/f/2015/223/8/4/grimmy_by_letusdrawnow-d9577qi.png[/img] [b]Eye Colour:[/b] Emerald-Green [b]Hair Colour:[/b] Brown [b]Body Structure:[/b] Human - Tall, rather well-built. Shift - Enormous, blend of Slender and Strengthened body. [u][b]History[/b][/u] [b]Human History:[/b] Grant was living part of a simple life back as a child in Mydleton. Along with Yuri Tynko [See Beginner's Luck], he served as his loyal Best-friend. Such as assisting in Yuri's crumbling family business, comforting him after his father's accidental death and spending more time with the slightly younger companion when his sister signed up for the Military, he has stood by his side for an extremely long time. He worked and made some money working alongside Yuri in the trade-shop. When the time came to abandon the job, Grant made a promise to follow Yuri into the Military and to substitute him through the programme, though his real reason was because he worried about what exactly he might end up doing [Yuri being vulnerable to anxiety]. Exceeding through the programme, Grant managed to Ace over Yuri by quite some Graduation Marks, placing 6th place. Yuri had expected the role model of his collection to go straight into the Military Police, or at least the Survey at the least, yet he continued to stand beside his comrade into the Garrison/Stationary Guard, along with Lilith, Teki, Annella and Sinatra. The collective group were shortened after an event infamously known as the 'Western Siege' in which Sinatra's, Lilith's and Teki [The two siblings] lives were perished in the stalemate to maintain the gates not breaking as far as the Western Wall Sina district, Yahkell. Eventually, after the years of holding off, Grant finally found the time to score marriage with Asartha Orkader, someone he had been in a close [i]'On-Off'[/i] relationship for a long time. The two settled for a place in the Eastern Region's Wall Rose district. Eventually settling for two children and starting a successful family, everything went wrong quickly. It may of seemed too cliched for everyone in his group, but as he left to return to a partial duty on the Eastern Wall, a [i]'Recurrence'[/i] lead to the death of Asartha and one of the children, the other being taken away quickly into care, located in the Northern Wall Sina, after a traumatising experience. This had been identified by rumours that a Titan of Flame appeared out of nowhere. Grant suffered a small injury, though strangely it healed at a faster rate. He remained depressed for a lifetime. [b]Shift History:[/b] The Grim Titan wasn't discovered for a long time in Grant's lifetime. Though the first signs of it came from his Training Days. There were small clues, such as the tendency for thin lines of translucent smoke to seep from his mouth when angered. The acceleration of his healing, because as Humans the shifters do not have the instant regeneration and has a small limit, made it quite an odd feature, later noted down. It wasn't until the events of [i]'Turmoil in the East'[/i] [The 3rd Chronological Story Part in the 'Yuri-Tynko-Timeline'] when the Grim Titan was first encountered at the end. He appeared outside the walls, thick from air. Reaching in and exploring the City, as if trying to get used to its form. No one had any clue who it was, or what it was, as many hadn't known of the Flaming Titan's appearance. After encountering Hope, however, someone who'd the Grim Titan was keen on following and studying, he realised the full identity of her being the Flaming Titan. After the encounter, he disappeared and was never to be seen again, leading to the [i][b]'Framing of Nira Kileko'.[/b][/i] Grant does regret the choices he made that lead to Nira's death, yet he had managed to take a step towards finding out who the Flaming Titan was really. Though, as he began to use his Titan Ability the two times he was spotted, he had a huge loss in feelings of hatred towards Hope, having suspicions that she herself was in the state of uncontrollable anger, something the Grim Titan can keep hidden. However, it was at one accidental shift that reoccurred after the East was [i]'Secured'[/i] that revealed Nira's Death was for nothing, and Grant was behind it the entire time. This infuriated Yuri upon discovery, as Grant only had the strength to shift an Arm, leaving him defenseless. Once they had figured out who he was, he managed to secure a quick flee, encountering a force of 3DMG Gunmen that were to later lead a organised Pursuit against him. [As this ties in with 'On the Run'. That is the Fourth Chronological Story Part]. After these events finally happened, the Grim Titan and Grant went into hiding, knowing that pursuers were going to be after them. He is now hidden in the remains of Mydleton, which was destroyed during the Western Siege, in the Windmill his family had inherited so many years ago... [b]Affiliates:[/b] Quentin Trinity [Son - In Care]|Yuri Tynko [Lifelong friend]| [b]Deceased Affiliates:[/b] Asartha Oakader [Spouse]|Loia Trinity [Daughter]|Lilith Hermia [Semi-Lifelong Friend]|Nira Kileko [Garrison Soldier - Framed on accidental terms][/hider]