After the proto-kryptonian gave him the all clear, Rufus followed him into the base, the 'secret' passage seemed awfully convoluted and very not Pistolera's style. Didn't she aim for efficiency? And hadn't thousands of years of human architecture showed doors were in fact, the most effective way of making a entrance to a room? Maybe not - he had heard about the terrible architecture that went hand in hand with being a non-powered superhero. Once they made their way through, the arrived at the door. Camera and steel door - like it was a 90's spy movie and Pistolera was going to turn around in her chair, petting a furry little cat. The two emerged, and the group were 'pleased' to see them both. They explained the plan - they were going to hell. A phrase Rufus certainly had heard being shouted at him several times before in his life, just never this literal. She said that they couldn't bring Sentinel with Ewan, and instead they wanted Rufus to go. "It might be a one way trip" Pistolera warned him, as Rufus scoffed. The truth was that Rufus liked to make the others believe that he didn't care. That he could've super sped in front of a bullet without a second thought. But spending eternity in hell, dying at the feet of all those souls that were lost at the monument of their failures? It scared him. It really did. Looking over at Rhea and Max, whom were both going to go down there with Ewan, his emotionless face broke into a grin. [i]They will never make it without me.[/i] Rufus thought. "I'll go, and I'll make sure to bring [i]everyone[/i] back." His voice rang out, a glare at Isaac. This was the one shot he and the others had to make up for the mistakes Sentinel - no, they had made. They couldn't screw it up. He was just about to ask Amazon how one exactly 'goes to hell', when they were interruped by a voice from outside. He was asking about Sandstorm. [i]Wait. Where the fuck did he go after all?[/i] Rufus thought, surprised with himself that he hadn't noticed the lack of one of their members.