WIP [hider=Drakonus] -City/Realm name: Drakonia -Flag/Banner: NATIONAL -Capital: Drakonus -Government Type: -Currency: -Population: (one million [humans] is max, and is a very, very large city which will demand a lot of food and have a lot of internal unrest problems. For other races there might be other cases, which I will judge individually.) -Unique Trait #1: -Unique Trait #2: -Unique Flaw #1 -Unique Flaw #2 GEOGRAPHICAL -Major Towns/Colonies: Please describe any smaller cities, towns, villages, or colonies under your city's control. -Major Castles/Fortresses: -Buildings of Interest: -Geographic Features of Interest: -Territory Description: RACIAL -Majority Race: -Majority Race Appearance: -Majority Race Characteristics: -Minority Races: (If any) -Minority Race Characteristics: RELIGION & MAGIC -State Religion: (If applicable. Either create your own religion or take on a major religion. If you design your own religion, I will add it to the religion tab above so other players might choose it. More than one religion in a state is ofc very possible) -Religious Information: -Religion Demographics: -Holy Relics In Possession: -Holy Sites Under Control: -Magical Schools and Curriculum: (What forms of magic are common?) MILITARY -Military Details (Focus on unit types, ect. You can keep numbers vague) NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE -Head of State/Monarch: -Ruling Dynasty (If applicable): -Military Chief (If applicable): -Religious Head (If Applicable): -Persons of interest: CULTURAL -History: (I will add key historical episodes to the history timeline above.) -Historical Relations and Grievances -Cultural Notes [/hider]