[color=DarkMagenta][b]"Eventful."[/b][/color] Mumbled a voice from farther back in the tavern. A young boy sat alone at a far back table, there were several empty bottles on it; not his doing of course, but whoever it was definitely had a strong constitution. Or not. It wasn't really the boy's concern. The most peculiar trait the boy had was definitely his back; he had wings, large enough to be noticeable, but not large enough to fly. A few people had taken glances, but most played it off as some kind of cosplay, much to his vexation. The boy was simply known as "Countless," and so far he had bore witness to the creation of a recruitment stand, some thievery (although he didn't exactly call it out), the flight of a table, a challenge (of which he did not take up) that escalated into a series of fights, all of which the redhead seemed to be winning. Countless hadn't been in the Blue Sea for too long, about a week. He was sort of lost after the four-length bird dropped him off and flew away somewhere. This was his first impression of Blue Sea taverns - which didn't actually differ from the Skypiean taverns that he had been to before (with the exception of the whole table-in-the-ceiling deal). Of course, he didn't really intend to get involved in the brawl. His weapons were a bit dangerous to use indoors. Instead, he just continued to watch, letting the absurdity of the situation sink in.