[b][@TheHangedMan][/b] [b][color=ed145b] “How insulting…. Pendragon females have done as much as the Pendragon males! When they were off fighting the women had to care not only for the children, house and garden, they had to take over the men’s chores as well. Nothing about my Merriweather side? Perhaps that side will benefit me well…….” Agatha looked about she knew some of the Merriweather secrets just because of her curiosity and had bugged her parents until they told some of the Merriweather Lore. They were more Pendragon orientated. Agatha looked about she saw that the plants lacked nitrogen. That could be easily fixed if she made some lightening and some water would be needed so a rain would supply that problem. As she gazed around the neglected meadow, her anger began to form. She could see rabbits hopping about, deer nibbling grass with twitching ears, flowers could be blooming here making the meadow more beautiful. So many things could be here if it was properly made. Perhaps a small pond…… A breeze began to stir about as Agatha gazed about what she is calling a nearly dead meadow. It grew stronger but not overly strong, just enough to stir up the air. A grey cloud formed over her head when thought about how this place could be full of life. The more she thought about what could be living here the darker the cloud became. Soon Agatha had built up quite a bit of anger inside of her and she spoke angrily to no one about the meadow. “You created something that is dying. This place could be full of life and vigor. Full of energy and surprises around a tree. Which brings about the fact that you did not include any trees! Trees are important to the environment. This place is lacking in vital nutrients. There could be all sorts of creatures playing here…. How dare you create such an environment! It is a deathtrap here. “Agatha yelled as it began to thunder and darken clouds began to drip rain slowly. She stared around herself to find the one who made this dying meadow. She could not see anything for the clouds had burst, thunder rumbled loudly and the lightening flashed angrily as a sadden young lady stood in the middle of the meadow. The energetic ball of light had vanished by now for there was no mischief left in Agatha. Just frustration of not being able to do anything at all. She did not see the point of this testing. It was not like any testing she had gone through before. Hail began to fall around her body as Agatha felt like she was defeated……. Her heart sank to the ground quite literally for she had sank into the ground. She only could lay her head on the her arms which were at the level of the ground, and cry. ((she just acquired a new ability- Defeated- sink into the ground)) [/color][/b]