Other the past three hours Matt had been taken on quite the adventure, although he was initially reluctant about leaving New York to hop around the galaxy with a space-man who wore way too much cologne, a talking duck and a man in a Captain America costume who he could tell by the heartbeat, definitely wasn't the Captain America he knew from day to day life, Matt had now grown rather fond of the change of pace from alternating between fighting the Kingpin and mourning whichever friend of his had died most recently, perhaps this was the vacation he needed. Matt now found himself in a Nightclub looking for the next of his menagerie of comrades. The music disorientated Matt's radar sense and the entire place reeked of alcohol, everyone thought Matt didn't like clubs because he was just too nerdy, but it was in fact that they were completely overloading. Matt could feel the throbbing bass of the music shaking through his head, however that wasn't the bass at all, it was a heartbeat, the mighty heartbeat of Hercules sounded like a war-drum to Murdoch who stood stock still overwhelmed in the middle of the dancefloor in costume, looking like some sort of BDSM fetishist. It took Matt a moment to realize the others had left, but when he snapped out of his trance he ran out after them clutching his head. "This isn't the first time I've ended up with a headache after a night out at a club."