[@Saltwater Thief] "Ah Annabeth I need to ask a few questions if you don't mind?" Akatsuki spoke as she could barely contain her excitement if things when well she might have a lead on her brother finally. "Well anyway as you may or may not know my brother vanished years ago with nary a word on where he went. Well beyond that he left a message about a lost temple "Carleon Medb" and the lost weapons they were supposed to contain. Well after much researching and a rather poor decision on my part of pursuing something in a obviously trapped temple I managed to find a item that is connected to this temple. Well inside I found this key I was wondering if you would know anything about it or the temple itself." Akatsuki said as she carefully took out the key which she wrapped in a blue cloth to protect it somewhat and presented it to Annabeth. "This is the key I was talking about I can't figure anything about it beyond the fact my azure flame magic seems to reflect off it."