Damien felt a bit sheepish as Jade introduced herself, the social niceties always escaped him when he was nervous, and he mumbled his name to the room without looking anyone in the eye. He was grateful for her monocle, the last time he'd used his sight it had left him with some, less than pleasant memories. He wasn't certain about Jimmy's plan, although it did have the advantage of surprise. Jade's seemed a more cautious approach, taking down the wards before storming the keep, the question he couldn't decide on was which group he should be in. Damien's wards and knowledge of them only really applied to dreams and the Demesnes created by those dreams, but he wasn't much for combat either. Everyone seemed to be weighing up the words and trying to make the same decision. He remembered the paranet member who had found him, her stories of hiding in the dark and a desire to fight back. She couldn't, not directly, but maybe he could. "I'll go with Jade, I know enough supportive magic to make retreat easier if necessary" He went over the various skills he had with thaumaturgy to see if there was anything else he could add, and decided on an interesting idea. Settling down on the floor he drew a chalk circle around himself and started mumbling nonsense syllables in german under his breath. He could feel eyes watching him with curiosity as he worked but blocked them out, concentrating on the spell and nothing else. When he broke the circle to release the spell he heard something in his ears, the sound of a man snoring. He knew nobody in the room was asleep, but it meant that someone nearby was asleep. He paced the room a few times to triangulate the sound and confirmed it was coming from the building they wanted to enter. That meant... "Umm, warden Matlese. With your veils do you think you could draw me a circle around the building. If you could, I might be able to whip up a distraction" Bringing dreams to life was one of the most complicated parts of his art, but if he could do it, then the people inside would be distracted when the team made their assault. It had to be worth trying.