[list] [*][b]Name[/b]: Alex Yu-Esemci [*][b]Sex[/b]: Male [*][b]Occupation[/b]: Scavenger [*][b]Age[/b]: 25 [*][b]Appearance[/b]:[img]http://i.imgur.com/F50H69g.jpg[/img] [*][b]Ethnic[/b]: White [*][b]Personality[/b]: Blunt, straight-man, matter-of-fact, realist. The world is a lot less safe if you look at it thorugh tinted lenses. Alex doesn't delude himself with what-ifs or shoulds, he takes everything in stride for what they are and makes adjustments to accommodate. [*][b]Background/History[/b]: Traveled for a long while with an eccentric scavenger as they rooted around the remains of old cities plying their respectable trade. The man was competent enough and between him and the experience that came with time Alex became quite confident in his own detritus scrounging abilities. On their many escapades, the man left an impression on Alex, often going on long tangents about a glorious group of warriors that the man's father belonged to. He'd tell about their vast exploits in a great crusade in the holy-land and how they'd always be the first into combat and kill everyone until they were the last ones standing. How they worked with trained seals to assassinate Ol'Sam of Binland, but Alex didn't believe a word of it. But hey, the geezer was good company and after finding a crate of Jack Daniels dubbed Alex an official member of the illustrious Yu-Esemci Tribe-wherever they may be. Unfortunately the old man was getting up in his years and the quick witted -albeit, quirky- sonnavabitch is starting to forget himself with his body slowly degrading as well. The stories are getting wilder for sure but night after night he feels the old man is talking to someone that isn't Alex. [*][b]Goal/Desires[/b]: Keep himself and the Old Man alive [*][b]Skills[/b]: Quick on his feet with a sharp wit he knows how to efficiently prowl through the urban jungle. [*][b]Family Equipment/Inventory[/b]: [list] [*] T-shirt, and jeans combo. [*] 2 Pair of clean undies rotated between each other on a weekly basis [*] Dirty Hoodie [*] Cracked Leather Jacket [*] Decent Running Shoes [*] Large Rucksack [*] 4 Portions of Food and Water [/list] [*][b]Family[/b]: [list] [*][b]Name[/b]:Old Man [*][b]Sex[/b]: Male [*][b]Occupation[/b]: Veteran Scavenger [*][b]Age[/b]: 65 [*][b]Personality[/b]: Curiously Optimistic, Fading into Senility, Jovial, Jolly, Good-Natured, Trusting. [*][b]Skills[/b]: When lucid, offers a wide variety of knowledge through a lifetime of experience as a scavenger. His aging body has made his supply "runs" into more of a slow jog, but his intuition and sense of direction are second to none. [/list] [/list]