Still waiting on [@WilsonTurner]'s CS. I have a rough idea for pairs so far, but they aren't officially decided yet. I will PM you with your characters soul mate's name when they are decided. You may keep it a secret until it is revealed in character if you wish, or put it right in your character's CS when you find out, whichever you like. I believe my Co-gm, [@Musoka], called dibs on first pick because his character was putting on a concert as the last post in the old RP. This concert might be a good place for your characters to be for potential meetings/interactions. After the Solenne post, you guys can go ahead and start posting IC without knowing your soulmate if you'd like to. or wait if you'd prefer. Shouldn't be too long now! P.S. - [s]Does anyone know how to appoint another GM on the thread? I can't seem to figure it out, but I swear I've seen it done before.[/s] I figured it out!