[b]Name:[/b] Emilia Lindsley [b]Appearance:[/b][list] [*] Slim, brunette, wide-set eyes, small round face. [*] Tall (about 5' 11"), spindly. Long, thin fingers. [*] Early 20's. [*] Only wears fancy dresses and carries a matching parasol. [*] Usually sneering. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b][list] [*] "Girly" in the stereotypical sense but self-conscious about it. [*] Trusts no one except her childhood friends. [*] Hates attention, severely introverted. [*] Illiterate and bitter about it. [/list] [b]Additional Info:[/b][list] [*] The daughter of a wealthy nobleman. [*] Her mother always wanted her to marry a prince, but she is not interested in any kind of relationship. [*] She's deeply interested in magic but her superstitious parents always forbade her from ever having anything do to with it. Once when she was young, they caught her pretending to mix potions, panicked and sent her to a nunnery for three years to "cleanse her soul." [*] The nunnery she went to forbade reading the sacred texts, so during the time that she would normally have been learning to read, she instead was being taught how to cook, clean, and be polite at the nunnery. [*] [color=7bcdc8]Speaking voice color.[/color] [/list]