[hider=Profile] Name: Hope Ranavin Age: 21-years-old Birthplace: Trost Gender: Female Shift: The Flame Titan [/hider] [hider=Appearence] Shift Description: When Hope shifts she is a towering eighteen meter tall shifter, with long hair that flows around her shoulders and back as if it was made out of fire. If needed, Hope will surround her body entirely with a flame and will adjust the temperature to her liking. Eye Colour: Bistre Hair Colour: Black Body Structure: In both human and titan form she usually towers over the others, and has a strong slim body. [/hider] [hider=History] Human History: Before Hope joined the military she lived a normal life in a one-story house, with her parents as an only child. She was best friends with a boy called Aaron, and a Garrison member named Caroline would help them if they are in need. Aaron's family sold at a fruits and vegetable stand, so Hope would buy or even help them with their little business. Once Aaron and Hope were around 16-years-old, they happily joined the military excited train to join the Survey Corps. When Aaron found out it was more frustrating than expected, he tried to see how Hope was doing. She was doing perfectly fine, so due to his jealousy he stole a syringe full of the mix to turn somebody into a titan. During Hope's sleep Aaron injected it into her arm, but because of her strong immune system it changed the recipe making her have traits of a titan in human form. When Hope found out, she decided to hide the fact that she was a shifter until it was time to graduate so they could join one of the corps. They got their results, with Aaron at 7th place and Hope at 5th. Since Hope still didn't know who gave her the shifting ability, she stayed with Aaron going to the Survey Corps. After a few missions Hope managed to lead her own group, unfortunately not allowed to let Aaron into it. Of course, they still stayed friends and kept in touch along the way. Shift History: The first time Hope shifted into a titan it was inside of the walls when one of her group members decided to joke about her behind her back, easily triggering her anger turning her into the flaming beast. The rest of the Survey Corps was around her, so she accidentally killed a quarter of the members including her own team. A week after the incident all of the groups decided to banish Hope from the walls only giving her the Survey Corps cape, coordination gear, and a bag full of food that only lasted her for two months. Fortunately she was still allowed in the walls but only to refill the gas tanks, but the corps thought that she wouldn't need them unless she managed to travel all the way to the forest. The surviving Survey Corps members, including Aaron, thought she wouldn't survive outside the walls but a few months after the banishment a Garrison member sighted the Flaming Titan once again fighting off a horde of titans walking towards the walls. Affiliates: Aaron Cariva - Best Friend, Caroline Tsuyoi - Friend Deceased Affiliates: Ron Ranavin - Father, Amelia Ranavin - Mother [/hider]