[@Ambra] How's this? Let me know if I need to change anything. [hider=Sigil Cloudfury] [center][h3]Sigil Cloudfury[/h3] [IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/25tgbnp.jpg[/IMG][/center] [b]Username:[/b] Tancuras [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] [i]TBA[/i] [b]Equipment:[/b] [list][*][b]Lunarian Longsword[/b] - A long blade in the fashion of a sect of Lunarian clansmen. The steel is tempered for weeks on end, making it extremely durable and resistant to the elements. [*][b]White Dove Armor[/b] - Armor bearing the mark of the band of the White Dove. Forged with an alloy to make it strong and resistant to fire, yet light and flexible for maneuverability in the sky. [*][b]Celelyrium Grapple[/b] - A long rope with a celelyrium hook. Used for grappling dragons. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Sigil, better known as Sig, is somewhat infamous among the White Doves for being cold and ruthless. He can kill without hesitation, and pursues his targets with a grim determination. What most are not aware of is that Sig was once a child full of compassion and virtue, one who could hardly watch even a rabbit being hunted for food. Life in the guild has changed him, deadened his spirit and forged his nerves like iron. While he is not entirely without empathy, he has accepted the harsh truth of the world, knowing that some must suffer for the greater good, and this rule has been branded into his soul. He hates what he cannot change, and will not face it. [b]Short Biography:[/b] Sig is a man of Lunaris. He does not know much of the nation outside of his ancestral home, an icy city half-buried in tundra in which resides the last few remaining people of his clan. It was there he was trained as a [i]Glac'armis[/i], a warrior priest, learning the art of the sword as well as how to live and thrive in the arctic. However, upon his refusal to kill another man, Sig was imprisoned and sold to the southern lands as a slave by his own people, and branded a heretic, never to return. In slavery, he was forced to survive, and forced to kill. Servitude changed him, scorching away part of his humanity - the fragile part, making him more a predator. He was eventually bought and recruited into the band of the White Dove for his swordsmanship and violent instinct. Now, Sig only seeks power, waiting for his salvation...or a quick death. Whichever comes first. [b]Mount:[/b] [i]TBA[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YNViujuP4Y]Theme[/url] [/hider]